How much is due to luck, do we make our own?


I think there are “Guardian Angels” looking after lorry drivers. I have lost count of the times I’ve said, “How the hell did I come through that?”

in all seriously I believe in this !! in the old days of no radios,phones etc ,my two way was not working well… I once heard the words stop stop stop and I did a fair hard stop and just round the corner was a car sitting in the middle of the road doing an illegal turn (was a blind corner ) if I hadnt slowed to a crawl I would have obliterated it.(yeah I know blind corner .loaded to the boards on an old Leyland young lad ). I asked the guys behind who said stop they heard nothing! and just said someone was looking over me that day.

^^ great story. If you drive very carefully you greatly improve your chances of avoiding an accident, no doubt. But there are many things which are simply beyond our control and I’m sure we can all think of instances where but for a ball hair the result could’ve been disaster. And you know you have no chance of directing it one way or the other next time it happens. It’s tempting - and comforting - to think that because we’re still alive that we have more control than we do but that’s only because we’re alive to think about it; the headlines and graveyards are full of those who were on the other side of the coin flip.