dozy: Top line £805.57
Hrs 68.75
805.57 div 68.75 =£11.71 p.h
The OP asked what was the take home pay (the bottom line)
Bu I wasn’t replying too the op ,I was replying too juddian ,who said use yout top line div by hours = hourly rate ,in future though I will try too reply only too the op ,sorry .
And i appreciate it Dozy, you aint doing too bad if i may say so, more hours than i’d want but proves you can make a living wage without having to night away to make it up.
I think it’s safe to say that the better average pay per hour is usually found on own account work, where transport operation is part of the service to the customer and not a profit making service on it’s own.
“It doesn’t matter what your wages are its how you manage your money”
Says the man who obviously doesn’t make enough.
What a load of nonsense.
Maybe if more men where worried about how much they make and not about feeling sorry for their bosses. The industry wouldn’t be able to take advantage of drivers.
Men working for little over minimum wage is a utter joke and has been left happen due to the yes men mentality.
You obviously didn’t read the whole thing did you
I’m not going to get into a willy waving contest as I’m not that way inclined, but I do OK and I always have. I certainly do not, nor have I ever, worked for peanuts.
My point was it doesn’t matter how much you earn if you have no idea how to budget, if money burns a hole in your pocket you will still end up skint, unless you earn serious money and you don’t in this game.
It’s no wonder there’s no young blood coming into the job. There’s no consistency at all. Looking at it if say most hgv drivers would get out if they could , not all. Lots hours here zero hours there paid breaks unpaid breaks same rate for unsociable its a mess in my eyes
The trouble with take home pay comparisons is that you’re not comparing apples with apples, and looking only at whats in the packet is the reason some companies get away with paying peanuts, their drivers are doing 2 weeks work every week AND counting ex’s/subsistence as part of their pay in order to kid themselves they’re doing well.
There is one fair formula for comparison purposes, ignore subsistence money and the hours that covers for this (it’s merely a small bribe to sleep in a tin can and protect the load/vehicle), divide your top line by the total hours you are at work to arrive at a mean hourly rate.
I don’t where you get this idea that sleeping in the cab means you’re guarding the load? I’ve never worked for anybody who’s expected me to guard the load on a night out.
And while I agree night out money shouldn’t be included for comparison, it is still money in your pay packet.
Your n/o money was originally for you to get digs. When I first started it was £8 a night. For me it has gone up by 12quid in 35 ish years, if it had the same ratio to pay now as it was then it would be about £50 or so quid, or the same price to get a room for the night.
That is why a lot of us slept across the seats to save the n/o money, sleeper cabs [zb] ed that up, and were the reason all the good town truck parks went…along with the social life the job used to have.
I’m with juddian, night out money is ex’s, not wages.
Night out money is not expenses, I get paid expenses, they cover what I’ve spent and I have to account for them by providing receipts.
I know plenty of driver who make more on their night out money than they spend because they’re not at home.
its probably better to consider it an allowance because you’re not at home and not part of the basic wage.
But it does boost your take home pay.
“It doesn’t matter what your wages are its how you manage your money”
Says the man who obviously doesn’t make enough.
What a load of nonsense.
Maybe if more men where worried about how much they make and not about feeling sorry for their bosses. The industry wouldn’t be able to take advantage of drivers.
Men working for little over minimum wage is a utter joke and has been left happen due to the yes men mentality.
You obviously didn’t read the whole thing did you
I’m not going to get into a willy waving contest as I’m not that way inclined, but I do OK and I always have. I certainly do not, nor have I ever, worked for peanuts.
My point was it doesn’t matter how much you earn if you have no idea how to budget, if money burns a hole in your pocket you will still end up skint, unless you earn serious money and you don’t in this game.
I get you, I was being overly pedantic. Your point could have been easily construed to look like that thou.
Doesn’t really matter what people do with their money. It does matter to them what they get paid to start with. And that’s what the thread was about.
“It doesn’t matter what your wages are its how you manage your money”
Says the man who obviously doesn’t make enough.
What a load of nonsense.
Maybe if more men where worried about how much they make and not about feeling sorry for their bosses. The industry wouldn’t be able to take advantage of drivers.
Men working for little over minimum wage is a utter joke and has been left happen due to the yes men mentality.
You obviously didn’t read the whole thing did you
I’m not going to get into a willy waving contest as I’m not that way inclined, but I do OK and I always have. I certainly do not, nor have I ever, worked for peanuts.
My point was it doesn’t matter how much you earn if you have no idea how to budget, if money burns a hole in your pocket you will still end up skint, unless you earn serious money and you don’t in this game.
I’m with you. Bugger doing 70 hours a week sleeping in a tin box to then just give it to the bookies and the publicans. I don’t like work so I dont spend much.
Wages are basic plus percentage can vary dependent on bounus but guaranteed. £482 in bank plus guaranteed 4 nights out even if at home which maybe twice in the week. So I no worst I do in bank is £582 no matter how hard. Work or how much toss it off same truck no one uses it even if on holiday it stands and take keys home
Bounus varys some weeks 150-200.
Over 4 weeks
So that’s. £3501. This includes nights out that guaranteed and worked 2 Saturdays
And no doubt be plenty of none believers can scan wage slips in. Work hard for it also but looking at some of the wages on here suggest you start talking to the payroll department for increase. I have been kicking off with few of our lads that we should be given a pay rise. After reading this thread I shouldn’t moan but I do haha and I don’t work for no rdc clowns or red tape company’s if I want to speak to the gaffer I phone him probably out driving also
Only 1 person paying for that shiney New truck and the gaffer ain’t took a pay cut so you can drive it that is pretty much a certainty
I just got a £1250 a year rise today on my basic rate and after having my class 2 for 27 years they want to put me in for class 1 in a few months, not a bad start to the year
Basic £19500 year for 37.5hs,
7.5 hour day and time third for two hours over and time a half after that.
Sat time half, sun double time.
£25 nightout money, £5.75p meal allowance after 12 hours.
Breaks unpaid.
Usually average about 48 to 52 hours weekly.
Bonus Christmas and summer.
Pension and 30 days hols. (incl bank holidays)
sick pay
and we get our own wagon.