A blonde lady wearing a Scarnia emblozoned swimsuit? The costume appeared to be size 16 and was still 4 sizes too small for her.
no it was more of an overweight bloke dressed to go to a tarts and vicars party standing provocatively
The one with the car is the proximity sensor. The one on lanes is lane guidance. If I drifted left without indicating the seat would vibrate that side, if right the same would happen on the one I drove.
The night heater doesn’t work. It says error when you start it and switches itself off. Work know about it and obviously have no intention of getting it fixed. Is there anything I can try to get it to work?
Keep switching it on and off on the handset on the back wall - if someone has run it low on diesel and tried running the nightheater this will bleed it. Bloody annoying - might need to fire it up 10 or 15 times! Try to keep at least 1/4 of a tankfull to stop it happening again. Good luck.
In answer to your post heading - with your curtains 1/2 closed, wearing a check shirt, Hamptons, with your lights full on at all times and overtake only on blind corners