How am I going to get driving experience?

And when you put the forks of the truck into the pallet, make sure the wheels at the front are actually on the ground, not on the slats of the pallet. Again, many pallets get destroyed by clueless pump truck users levering them apart rather than lifting them off the floor.

No risk of that at our place, the forkies have generally ripped em off hurtling across the yard with the pallet scraping along the ground. :laughing:

It’s nothing new this experience thing. I’ve been driving since 1991 and I had the same thing. Just keep knocking on doors, turning up with your kit and someone will be short of a driver and NOW!
And you’ll be there saying, " I can do it"
Someone will be so desperate that their 2 years experience will be put to one side and you’ll be gaining experience.

The experience thing has been there since I started work back in the 70’s ( yep I am old :laughing: )

Well got a call back from the agency and the client wants someone with a year’s experience so that’s me been ■■■■■■ off for that job, typical just as I thought I was getting somewhere.

Oh well more phone calls and knocking on doors for me.

I would have thought the agency would have known the requirements for the job though, feeling a bit ■■■■■■ off about it but I’m sure something else will turn up!

Never underestimate the power of talking face to face with potential employers l. I did this as well as online applications through indeed and reed and found a perm full time job 3 weeks after passing my test. They knew I had no experience but didn’t mind at all. Attitude can sometimes count more than experience, so ■■■■ knows how I got a job!

Never underestimate the power of talking face to face with potential employers l. I did this as well as online applications through indeed and reed and found a perm full time job 3 weeks after passing my test. They knew I had no experience but didn’t mind at all. Attitude can sometimes count more than experience, so [zb] knows how I got a job!

Because you drive a mobile skip pal! :open_mouth:
Not the most desirable job, but great for a Newbie starting out… :smiley:

Well got a call back from the agency and the client wants someone with a year’s experience so that’s me been [zb] off for that job, typical just as I thought I was getting somewhere.

Oh well more phone calls and knocking on doors for me.

I would have thought the agency would have known the requirements for the job though, feeling a bit ■■■■■■ off about it but I’m sure something else will turn up!

Chin up drive, getting that first break can be difficult, but it will come. Once it does, head down, hard work and do the job properly and you’re laughing.
Come back in a couple of months and look at this thread again. You’ll be surprised how far you can go in such a short time.
So, get your finger out and crack on drive. :smiley:

Captain Caveman 76:

Well got a call back from the agency and the client wants someone with a year’s experience so that’s me been [zb] off for that job, typical just as I thought I was getting somewhere.

Oh well more phone calls and knocking on doors for me.

I would have thought the agency would have known the requirements for the job though, feeling a bit ■■■■■■ off about it but I’m sure something else will turn up!

Chin up drive, getting that first break can be difficult, but it will come. Once it does, head down, hard work and do the job properly and you’re laughing.
Come back in a couple of months and look at this thread again. You’ll be surprised how far you can go in such a short time.
So, get your finger out and crack on drive. :smiley:


Things are going better today I got 3 calls within an hour all offering me work so happy days off out on Monday morning for a shift with FedEx.

All 3 calls were agency so I went with manpower they seem to have the best rates so far just hope they don’t give me a last minute call to take the job away after knocking back 2 other jobs!

Best of luck for Monday pal! :smiley:

Things are going better today I got 3 calls within an hour all offering me work so happy days off out on Monday morning for a shift with FedEx.

All 3 calls were agency so I went with manpower they seem to have the best rates so far just hope they don’t give me a last minute call to take the job away after knocking back 2 other jobs!

It’s ok going with the highest rate but sometimes you have to look at what the job is, so Fedex what do they do? is it just busy because it’s christmas? will they have work next year? would another agency have work in new year?
Look at everything then decide.



Things are going better today I got 3 calls within an hour all offering me work so happy days off out on Monday morning for a shift with FedEx.

All 3 calls were agency so I went with manpower they seem to have the best rates so far just hope they don’t give me a last minute call to take the job away after knocking back 2 other jobs!

It’s ok going with the highest rate but sometimes you have to look at what the job is, so Fedex what do they do? is it just busy because it’s christmas? will they have work next year? would another agency have work in new year?
Look at everything then decide.


I went with this agency add they are putting my paperwork in for the royal mail job as well and they seem to have plenty of work availability, I know agency’s tend to have a bit of a habit of ■■■■■■■■■■■■ about what they can get you in the future as I’ve done plenty of work on the building sites through them but I got a good feeling about this one just one of those gut feeling things, just hope I’m right about this one!

I also went with manpower, they got me a job with Hermes, went for interview and got a perm full time job through Hermes no agency [emoji3] no experience driving anything bigger that a transit. But I do rock at interviews, in my opinion it’s about attitude willingness and saying yes to working weekends haha [emoji12]

I’m with aldi in bathgate, they took me without any hgv experience and have taken others without it, they give you comprehensive training.

Evil who is that person then? :grimacing:

How did you get on mate I am glad someone has given you a chance as every days experience in the bank is better then nothing at all!

ash 001:
Evil who is that person then? :grimacing:

I won’t name him, but he’s a class 1 bellend! :smiley:

I’m with aldi in bathgate, they took me without any hgv experience and have taken others without it, they give you comprehensive training.

Is the pay for class 1 ok there? pm me if you like :slight_smile:
To the OP, get registered with a decent agency and push them for assessments at the places they sub for and get stuck in. Be prepared to do most anything (Im currently delivering to a certain fuel station group, ambient cages and frozen food in cages) but have my C+E in early Jan 2016 so it’ll do for now :wink:
Had an assessment with Hermes, which went well but 30 mins after I finished I was called and told they didnt want me as I was i inexperienced (which they knew full well) but was later told - unofficially - that they wont employ women :imp:
Royal Mail were rubbish as they only really wanted 7.5T drivers really, but will see what happens after my C+E :smiley:

The last two we employed with no experience, one was doing a bit of 7.5 work for a company whose yard we use for parking. He was willing and not moaning about everything so we took a chance.

The second was a mate of his.

So take what you can get and you never know where it may lead and ask other drivers if they know of anything.


ash 001:
Evil who is that person then? :grimacing:

I won’t name him, but he’s a class 1 bellend! :smiley:

■■■■ I cant think of anyone at all give me a day or so it might come to me :stuck_out_tongue: