I think you’re correct that some Swindon made Hondas end up in the USA etc.
And yes it’s probably not only Brexit, causing this but the effect can’t be written off.
More than just “some” - my understanding is that over half of Swindon’s production goes to North America. If that’s the case it would be daft to contemplate keeping production in the UK when the current Civic ceases.
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They made 160000 Civics last year IN Swindon 90% went to EU.
Seems very unlikely to me - given that in 2017 it was reported that “The plant makes the Honda Civic hatchback and ships the model to global markets. Outside of Europe, exports are mainly destined for North America. This year, some 50% of the plant’s production is headed for markets outside of Europe.” Honda’s most recent statement (regarding the current closure plans) included the following bullet points :
“Production is currently exported to over 70 countries
Production % split: UK 15%/ Europe 20%/ North America 55% / Japan 8% / Others 2%)”
Also bearing mind Honda sold 43,000 Civics in Europe last year (and a fair proportion of those were made in Turkey), it’s difficult to see how 90% of 160,000 went to the EU…
carsalesbase.com/european-car-sa … nda-civic/
I think you’re correct that some Swindon made Hondas end up in the USA etc.
And yes it’s probably not only Brexit, causing this but the effect can’t be written off.
More than just “some” - my understanding is that over half of Swindon’s production goes to North America. If that’s the case it would be daft to contemplate keeping production in the UK when the current Civic ceases.
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
They made 160000 Civics last year IN Swindon 90% went to EU.
Seems very unlikely to me - given that in 2017 it was reported that “The plant makes the Honda Civic hatchback and ships the model to global markets. Outside of Europe, exports are mainly destined for North America. This year, some 50% of the plant’s production is headed for markets outside of Europe.” Honda’s most recent statement (regarding the current closure plans) included the following bullet points :
“Production is currently exported to over 70 countries
Production % split: UK 15%/ Europe 20%/ North America 55% / Japan 8% / Others 2%)”
Also bearing mind Honda sold 43,000 Civics in Europe last year (and a fair proportion of those were made in Turkey), it’s difficult to see how 90% of 160,000 went to the EU…
carsalesbase.com/european-car-sa … nda-civic/
Apologies for that. I got my info from this
Sloppy BBC journalism (is there any other sort?). The text says 90% to EU, while the graphic gives the correct 90% to EU and US together (although 15 of those 90 percent stay here in that part of the EU known as the UK…).
Sloppy BBC journalism (is there any other sort?). The text says 90% to EU, while the graphic gives the correct 90% to EU and US together (although 15 of those 90 percent stay here in that part of the EU known as the UK…).
Biased with the clear intention to misrepresent the figures to fit the remainer script not sloppy.While it’s clear that Trump and May could create a trading relationship which weakens the hand of both the EU and Japan in this matter,such as I described,which would stop this EU/Japanese stitch up of the UK workforce in its tracks and then some.
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
With car transporter drivers, and Honda component supply drivers, sat at home twiddling their thumbs, do you reckon that’d be much of a plan?
To add. The three and a half thousand Honda jobs ain’t the half of it.
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
With car transporter drivers, and Honda component supply drivers, sat at home twiddling their thumbs, do you reckon that’d be much of a plan?
To add. The three and a half thousand Honda jobs ain’t the half of it.
But obviously nothing like the knock on job losses when foundry to finished product GM and Ford UK operations were transferred to Germany shortly after we joined your Federal pile.No complaints then heard from your lot.
So now the EU goes one better by signing up to a free trade agreement with the Japs.In which case you’re right just think of all the job losses in Europe when as a result the Japs start dumping even more of their production in Europe to the obvious detriment of PSA sales for example.
While according to your script EU membership is supposed to protect European workers from the Japanese work ethic and deliver a French style workers’ paradise for everyone.That worked out well.
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
With car transporter drivers, and Honda component supply drivers, sat at home twiddling their thumbs, do you reckon that’d be much of a plan?
To add. The three and a half thousand Honda jobs ain’t the half of it.
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
So what’s a better plan to earn £30k a year without lots of time off to train for a trade? Especially if the company will pay for it.
I was made redundant and I know 2 others I worked with who were made redundant after me who now drive. I also know 4 others who were not made redundant who said if they were they were planning to learn to drive. Drivers complain about the hours but they are better than we did in retail. They are probably not as good as honda factory hours (no idea what they do) but with bills to pay driving suddenly looks attractive
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
With car transporter drivers, and Honda component supply drivers, sat at home twiddling their thumbs, do you reckon that’d be much of a plan?
To add. The three and a half thousand Honda jobs ain’t the half of it.
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
So what’s a better plan to earn £30k a year without lots of time off to train for a trade? Especially if the company will pay for it.
I was made redundant and I know 2 others I worked with who were made redundant after me who now drive. I also know 4 others who were not made redundant who said if they were they were planning to learn to drive. Drivers complain about the hours but they are better than we did in retail. They are probably not as good as honda factory hours (no idea what they do) but with bills to pay driving suddenly looks attractive
Much as I enjoy a good moan, I’ve done OK from driving, and am still fairly happy doing it.
Is it better than retail? I readily take your word for it.
The way it seems to be going is that the job is becoming more “compartmentilized”. One driver does collections, another trunks it, another does the delivery. All cab hopping, and being micro-managed. That doesn’t appeal to me.
And as it becomes more regular, 're hours and skills, I reckon the pay will correspond more to the average. Isn’t this happening already?
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I wonder out off the 3500 workforce how many will go for HGV as a retraining package…I remember Michelin tyres doing it for their workers when the uk plants shut.
With car transporter drivers, and Honda component supply drivers, sat at home twiddling their thumbs, do you reckon that’d be much of a plan?
To add. The three and a half thousand Honda jobs ain’t the half of it.
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
So what’s a better plan to earn £30k a year without lots of time off to train for a trade? Especially if the company will pay for it.
I was made redundant and I know 2 others I worked with who were made redundant after me who now drive. I also know 4 others who were not made redundant who said if they were they were planning to learn to drive. Drivers complain about the hours but they are better than we did in retail. They are probably not as good as honda factory hours (no idea what they do) but with bills to pay driving suddenly looks attractive
Much as I enjoy a good moan, I’ve done OK from driving, and am still fairly happy doing it.
Is it better than retail? I readily take your word for it.
The way it seems to be going is that the job is becoming more “compartmentilized”. One driver does collections, another trunks it, another does the delivery. All cab hopping, and being micro-managed. That doesn’t appeal to me.
And as it becomes more regular, 're hours and skills, I reckon the pay will correspond more to the average. Isn’t this happening already?
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I did 62 hours duty last week which is comparable to what I used to work. The 27 hours of break isn’t though. No phone calls and emails once finished. No problems as just phone the office and make it theirs (that’s what they want). No weekends either.
I have only been driving 18 months so can’t compare to the “old days” but even regular pay for 50 plus hours a week is an improvement on a low hour contact on the shop floor or a 39 hour salary (working 60) with the hassle that comes with management. Also as the minimum wage starts going up hourly rate wise I was on little more than shop floor staff for the hours I worked.
It’s probably not as good as you could get as a sparky or gas fitter etc but the time out required to train and get the experience to reach £30k plus a year isn’t realstic for a lot who have a family and bills to pay
Don’t let’s get distracted by me going on about “t’olden days”.
With the factory shutting lots of supporting driving jobs will be lost too. There’ll be plenty of experiences drivers looking to fill any vacancies won’t there?
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
Don’t let’s get distracted by me going on about “t’olden days”.
With the factory shutting lots of supporting driving jobs will be lost too. There’ll be plenty of experiences drivers looking to fill any vacancies won’t there?
Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
Agreed but given we are talking 3 years it’s all speculation about how many will retire or potential ee will have gone home.
Also when facing redundancy seeing the pay on offer and the “driver shortage” in the news I expect many will still be looking at it.
Don’t let’s get distracted by me going on about “t’olden days”.
With the factory shutting lots of supporting driving jobs will be lost too. There’ll be plenty of experiences drivers looking to fill any vacancies won’t there?
Let’s get this right when it suits you you’re saying that we need an open door free labour movement policy with East Euroland because the UK has more than enough employment and it needs the extra labour supply because too much employment is a bad thing ?.
So the knock on effects of all the driving jobs lost by the Honda closure obviously mean that now you’ve changed your mind and we need to close the door to immigrant drivers after all because that closure alone is a supposed game changer regarding your view of the uk labour market.Or have I missed something ?.
Your hypocritisy concerning all this is as bad as your turning a blind eye to all the jobs lost by the transfer of industry from UK to Euroland when it suits you since we joined the Federal scam.Or for that matter seeming to forget that Honda moving production away from Europe is all about the EU obviously playing off Japan against UK by removing Japanese import tariff barriers.Bearing in mind that for ‘some’ reason the same benefit hasn’t been given to US manufacturing exporters.Now awaits the usual bs that we can’t have open trade with US manufacturing without also having to allow in dodgy agricultural exports too.When I can already buy US beef and US fruit at the local shops and supermarkets.While anyone can actually buy a Ford Mustang from their Ford dealer,subject to the usual import restrictions so as not to upset ze Germans in the form of lost BMW and fwd 4 cylinder buzz bomb Euro Ford sales.
Also when facing redundancy seeing the pay on offer and the “driver shortage” in the news I expect many will still be looking at it.
The contradiction is laughable.In that the Federalists say that we need free movement because we have a labour shortage and then moaning about the unemployment caused by a factory closure when it suits their agenda.Which ironically has nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit and everything to do with the Germans running scared of the potential bill they will have to pick up to keep their 4th Reich afloat without UK ‘contributions’.So true to form went full ■■■■■■ by going grovelling to the Japs in an attempt to punish the Brits and scare them into changing their minds just like they did in WW2.While I’m sure that PSA workers will be ecstatic when Jap car sales annihilate what remains of their own market.Having suddenly found out that Opel buyers won’t buy French junk just because it’s got an Opel/Vauxhall badge on the heap at least going by the panic sales blitz being applied to former Zafira customers and laughably telling them what they can do with the ‘Vauxhall’ ‘Combo’ or Grandland replacement.