I don’t see what the EU turning on diesel has to do with Honda closing its UK factory…Honda has always been pro-petrol and well placed to produce petrol cars.
Here’s what happened, with no political spin.
The Japanese car makers faced tariff barriers exporting to the EU.
To get under the barriers, they needed to build cars in the EU .
The UK was the obvious choice: English being the most widely-spoken western language in Japan.
On top of this, the UK courted the Japanese to open factories in the UK in places where there was a base of skilled but unemployed workers: Swindon (ex railways), Sunderland (ex shipyard) and Derbyshire (ex miners).
The Japanese companies involved always regarded the UK as being their base in the EU.
Now the EU (excluding the UK) and Japan have a free-trade agreement so product can flow seamlessly between the Japan and the EU.
The Uk had decided to leave the EU, and can’t agree with itself under what terms. A few weeks ago, the Japanese ambassador explained very clearly that this was going to call the future of Japan’s investment in the UK into question.
No one should be surprised by this.
The people of Swindon and Wiltshire voted Leave.
If that included Honda workers, they voted to leave their jobs.
More fools them.
Here’s what really happened as you’ve said yourself but being a Fedralist you’re obviously too deaf and blind to understand your own statements.
Free trade agreement between the Japs and the EU so obviously no more need to ‘assemble’ cars in the stinking self proclaimed Federation of the EU to avoid the no longer existent tariff barriers.So as a non EU member state the UK isn’t part of the agreement and if the Japs want to flog their crap tin cans here then,unlike Euroland,we can still hit the Oriental tossers with tariff barriers just as before with the bonus that we can also now hit the Germans and the French producers too. All to the obvious benefit of uk car production.
Also didn’t hear any remainers moaning about the closure and transfer to Germany of Ford and GM production among other massive car industry job losses caused by the open door import regime which our EU membership opened up and handed our German competitors on a plate.
On that note remind us which EU state obviously now gets the ‘benefit’ of all this Jap car assembly operation transferred from UK going by your typical Federalist bs.Oh wait the Japs don’t need to produce any cars at all in Euroland now for the reasons you’ve given yourself being a free trade agreement between the EU and Japan nothing to do with UK which is obviously now in a better position in not being subject to the EU free trade agreement as it would have been ‘if’ we’d have remained a member of the stinking EU pile.
Which just now leaves the question of a governement with the patriotism and the balls to deliver Brexit and to tell the Japs that any cars sold here will be subject to increased tariffs over those previously imposed by the EU while all US imports will have tariffs and EU type approval removed.