Highway Agency Programme


(Is it available of 4-on-Demand?)

I think it is as most ‘Cutting edge’ programmes are :smiley: :smiley:

It was a throw-away question for other folk. I’d rather saw my leg off with a rusty blade than have MS Internet Explorer on my machine! :laughing:

Me get my UK telly elsewhere :wink:

channel4.com/video/gridlock- … tchup.html

hope this is useful

Watching it now.


Hopefully, by using Industrial areas, they are also educating their students relative to the turning capabilities and road usage required by larger vehicles. Alright. I’m dreaming. :laughing:

I doubt many have the slightest idea themselves. The standard required to be a driving instructor is unbelievably low - how do you think so many companies advertise on TV?

“Stess-Head” Tony Crawley is obviously in the wrong job if he’s commuting between 4 & 6 hours a day.

The programme portrays the Highways Agency in a good light and the Haulage Industry as spawn of the devil — funny that!!

That muppet Matthew Sear should do the country a favour & hand in his license — if he has one that is. His comment that learners “shouldn’t be on the road” leads me to think otherwise. He looked like he was on something, that’s for sure. What a loathsome moron.

Absolutely loved the narrator’s quote about HATOs “Armed with high-visibility jackets, and a firm grasp of the Highway Code”. Priceless!!

I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap”?

P.S. Watch the 1st clip at 6 minutes 10 seconds — I always wondered what happened to the wrestler Catweasel. :laughing:

“Stess-Head” Tony Crawley is obviously in the wrong job if he’s commuting between 4 & 6 hours a day.

The programme portrays the Highways Agency in a good light and the Haulage Industry as spawn of the devil — funny that!!

That muppet Matthew Sear should do the country a favour & hand in his license — if he has one that is. His comment that learners “shouldn’t be on the road” leads me to think otherwise. He looked like he was on something, that’s for sure. What a loathsome moron.

Absolutely loved the narrator’s quote about HATOs “Armed with high-visibility jackets, and a firm grasp of the Highway Code”. Priceless!!

I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap”?

P.S. Watch the 1st clip at 6 minutes 10 seconds — I always wondered what happened to the wrestler Catweasel. :laughing:

You have just stolen all my words that I was composing as I watched that. If I believed in Deja Vu, I would say you cut and pasted my post :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, Im old too :wink:

The only thing i didnt notice in the drop down boxes for the Matrix was the words, “Fire Arms Incident Ahead”



Hopefully, by using Industrial areas, they are also educating their students relative to the turning capabilities and road usage required by larger vehicles. Alright. I’m dreaming. :laughing:

I doubt many have the slightest idea themselves. The standard required to be a driving instructor is unbelievably low - how do you think so many companies advertise on TV?

Errmm…you say that “the standard required to be a driving instructor is unbelievably low”.
Are you just assuming this because “so many companies advertise on TV”, or do you actually know this for a fact?
Have you actually done the course yourself and therefore know what’s actually involved?

I did it back in 1999 and I can assure you it’s a very tough course due to the extremely high standards set.
Gaining the ADI qualification to become a driving instructor is a lot tougher than getting an LGV C+E or PCV (Full Class One manual) licence, and I’ve got all three and have been driving buses and artics for 20 years!

Maybe you know something I dont…

No surprise in it for me, seen it all before, just a diferent angle with the use of the HA. They allways seem to pick a muppet so called HGV driver who loves himself, he must have been a producer`s dream.

Andy 1961,

My brother did it and went on to be a police driving instructor, I have several very good friends who have done it including one who trains ADI’s for a living.

I don’t doubt that the standard of tuition required is high, but the standard and knowledge of driving is pitiful. I also think that the standard required to pass any of the tests in this country is low - as is the standard of driving in general.
My personal opinion I hasten to add :exclamation:
However, don’t let’s hi-jack the thread :slight_smile:

Wheel Nut:
The only thing i didnt notice in the drop down boxes for the Matrix was the words, “Fire Arms Incident Ahead”

The option will be included the updated version of the software the HA use, which will be released around the time that Big Jase is given the authority to ram trucks fleeing from car-flipping incidents!! :laughing:

I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap"?

Quite regulary!! :confused: :unamused: :wink:

As for the “weapons incident” I have spoken to the operator involved, this never happened, it was a bit of “Artistic Licence” by the Cutting Edge team which put us in a bad light!! Once and for all, we are not tasked to incidents involving weapons, it is a police job, always has been, always will be. That is not to say if we see such an incident happening, we will not report it. Personally, I will observe from a safe distance whilst reporting everything live over the radio, I want the police to my incident asap!! I am an ex military policeman and prisoner custody officer, I am fully trained in unarmed combat and control and restraint techniques but will not get involved because the H.A. are not trained to deal with this kind of incident. I have said it before and will say it again, our job is Traffic Management NOT dealing with criminal incidents, that’s what a highly paid/skilled police officer earns his pennies for! :sunglasses:

The Highway Man:
I have spoken to the operator involved, this never happened, it was a bit of “Artistic Licence” by the Cutting Edge team which put us in a bad light!! Once and for all, we are not tasked to incidents involving weapons, it is a police job, always has been, always will be.

If what you are saying is true, and I have no reason to doubt you, then I suggest that the Highways Agency sues the programme makers. Calling it “artistic licence” is an understatement. If it isn’t true then it’s a work of fiction being passed on as fact.

This is not the first time that Cutting Edge has fabricated a story to make it more newsworthy, and they’ve obviously plumbed the depths of some godforsaken ■■■■-hole to find that creep Matthew Sear, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and fair play to you for replying to my comment.


The Highway Man:
I have spoken to the operator involved, this never happened, it was a bit of “Artistic Licence” by the Cutting Edge team which put us in a bad light!! Once and for all, we are not tasked to incidents involving weapons, it is a police job, always has been, always will be.

If what you are saying is true, and I have no reason to doubt you, then I suggest that the Highways Agency sues the programme makers. Calling it “artistic licence” is an understatement. If it isn’t true then it’s a work of fiction being passed on as fact.

This is not the first time that Cutting Edge has fabricated a story to make it more newsworthy, and they’ve obviously plumbed the depths of some godforsaken [zb]-hole to find that creep Matthew Sear, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and fair play to you for replying to my comment.

I will always give you a fair and honest reply to any question you ask, if I don’t know the answer personally, I will ask about until I get the answer :wink: pop over to national traffic and see the stink that has been kicked up amongst the HATO’s, We are slowly but surely winning people over to what we do and this program has gone a long way to undoing that good work :frowning:

The Highway Man:
We are slowly but surely winning people over to what we do and this program has gone a long way to undoing that good work :frowning:

And it has also undone any goodwill between the public and the haulage industry, but hey, that’s Channel 4 television. :smiling_imp:


The Highway Man:
We are slowly but surely winning people over to what we do and this program has gone a long way to undoing that good work :frowning:

And it has also undone any goodwill between the public and the haulage industry, but hey, that’s Channel 4 television. :smiling_imp:

You’ll have to be careful Dazza, the medication must be starting to wear off, you’re actually agreeing with a HATO :open_mouth: :wink: :sunglasses: :smiley:

I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap”?

Don’t believe all you see on the electric goldfish bowl :wink:

As we have said many times,don’t treat all hato’s like the bad one that you may have encountered.We won’t treat all professional truck drivers like the moron truck driver,shown on cutting edge.Every industry has idiots,but they are far outnumbered by the true professionals.I had a small argument with a truck driver parked on a slip road the other day.After a brief discussion,we both saw each others view,apologised to each other,him for illeagally parking and me for being a miserable git,and both went happily on our way.
But then,parking,or lack of it, is another issue !!


I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap”?

Don’t believe all you see on the electric goldfish bowl :wink:

I’m a HATO from one of those RCC’s that was filmed for the programme, the way it came over on TV was nothing like the actual “live” situations, various bits have been “cut & spliced” together for “good TV”
The HATO patrol just came across the two drivers having an argument on the shelf, they called it in on radio, the operator that you saw was actually on the phone to the police to get them there! C4 cut & shut it and put the cart in front of the horse to make it “better”
Check out the discusion about setting signals and closing motorways, look where the operators headset is, you’ll find that this is also a number of bits glued together in a way to make it more controversial, it never happened that way!

The real Biffo:


I hope Highwayman is reading this post. The two HATOs at the last 3 minutes of the programme were clearly intervening in an aggressive roadside incident that was originally reported to the HA as “one of the motorist threatening the other with a weapon”.

Have I ever mentioned that I see HATOs as “Policing on the cheap”?

Don’t believe all you see on the electric goldfish bowl :wink:

I’m a HATO from one of those RCC’s that was filmed for the programme, the way it came over on TV was nothing like the actual “live” situations, various bits have been “cut & spliced” together for “good TV”
The HATO patrol just came across the two drivers having an argument on the shelf, they called it in on radio, the operator that you saw was actually on the phone to the police to get them there! C4 cut & shut it and put the cart in front of the horse to make it “better”
Check out the discusion about setting signals and closing motorways, look where the operators headset is, you’ll find that this is also a number of bits glued together in a way to make it more controversial, it never happened that way!

Nice to see you coming on and setting the record straight Biffo :wink: