Judging from some of the replies on here,some people must have concerns about their health,if they have a need to find ways to avoid having a medical.
I would personally like to have the knowledge that I am healthy enough to pass a medical.
More like - why pay for something that is not needed
Could we renew photo every 4 and a half years so we never need a medical?? 
Could we renew photo every 4 and a half years so we never need a medical?? 
Only the first licence issued after October 2012 will extend the LGV medical to 5 years from the date the licence was issued
If aged 40 or less then it makes no odds as it will remain at age 45
The top age it will extend to is age 66
I bet if I tried this - I’d pay to change the photo over, then the buggers would still send me my medical form in august in time for september.
I wear glasses now (got them after a free eye test a year back) and it occurs to me that if I didn’t have the proper medical - my licence might no longer be “DVLA AWARE” as it is with my blood pressure medication started a decade ago.
Just gonna have to bite the bullet, and get the medical done as cheap as I can. Somewhere near £50 seems reasonable. £117.50 plus vat is not. 
I bet if I tried this - I’d pay to change the photo over, then the buggers would still send me my medical form in august in time for september.
I wear glasses now (got them after a free eye test a year back) and it occurs to me that if I didn’t have the proper medical - my licence might no longer be “DVLA AWARE” as it is with my blood pressure medication started a decade ago.
Just gonna have to bite the bullet, and get the medical done as cheap as I can. Somewhere near £50 seems reasonable. £117.50 plus vat is not. 
I have a 01 code as well and was on 3 yearly LGV medical but changing photo in 2013 gave me 5 years til 2018
Seems that no matter what the first issue of a new style licence gives 5 years LGV
ROG, I’m 60 in Dec 2017, so if I changed my photo sometime in 2017 what happens to next medical date for me?
Would it be 65 or 66 for next one?? Curious to know how this works!
ROG, I’m 60 in Dec 2017, so if I changed my photo sometime in 2017 what happens to next medical date for me?
Would it be 65 or 66 for next one?? Curious to know how this works!
When was your licence last issued to you ?
What date is photo next due for renewal ?
What date is next to the LGV C ?
Not sure on photo, if it’s 4b on licence then it’s 2020
Not sure on photo, if it’s 4b on licence then it’s 2020
When was your licence last issued to you ? = 20/11/2012 so after October 2012
That will be your first issue of the new style licence (the one with the categories starting AM on the back) so changing photo in 2017 will have no effect on the LGV date
Next D4 medical due in dec 2017 which will give 5 years so 65th birthday - bear in mind that the 5 years goes from the date of the licence issue not 5 years from the date of the last D4 medical expiry
I’m 45 in a couple of weeks and I havn’t had anything in the post
I sent you a card and a cake mate.
My mistake. Just a card, I ate the cake.
I’m 45 in a couple of weeks and I havn’t had anything in the post
What date is next to C ?
Hi Rog
17,02,2019 is the nearest date on my licence for category c
i did my photo a couple of years back just because it needed doing, im 45 next feb but my cat c says it runs out in april 2018 now result, also have they changed the eyesight test? do you only need to read the top line with your worst eye now?? that cant be right can it?
I’m 45 in a couple of weeks and I havn’t had anything in the post
What date is next to C ?
Hi Rog
17,02,2019 is the nearest date on my licence for category c
Then that is when the next D4 medical is due - I bet you had a licence issued to you about 17/02/2014 ?
Anyone who thinks the production line box-ticking exercise that passes for a medical examination for DVLA purposes is going to flag up most hidden medical conditions is deluding themselves. A proper eye examination alone takes longer than a Doctors On Wheels style medical.