Help required

jessicas dad:
sorry pal but i dont understand the point of the question…

you said good things about deban and a load of bad things about hanburys :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sounds to me like your mind is already made up.

good luck with your start at debans.

Thanks mate,id pretty much decided anyway,just thought id leave it to the good people of trucknet to decide,and the correct decision was made.Went for my assesment today,went very well,I had’nt quite forgotten how to drive,got an 04 TGA,very nice,and a 10’o clock Swansea monday morning,

Oh happy days :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

who decides whos insured in the back of a box…if your employer says go in to the box then its up to them to ensure they have adequate cover for their employees…if anyone can show me in black and white container drivers aint insured in the box i will be amazed

Its a bit of an old wives tale :exclamation:

I reckon its more to do with pilfering, if you dont go inside the warehouse or container you cant be accused of nicking anything if the seal is intact.

Its also a good excuse for the driver to get a kip after a late night in the pub :stuck_out_tongue:

Its the same with Tilts and Fridges.

CMR doesnt mean “Chauffer must rest”

And anyone who tells me I am not insured, I will have a row with them!

If I load a trailer, the security of the load is down to me, I wont rely on a spotty youth on drugs loading my trailer and then closing the doors without me going to check or fasten the load on. I do use the CMR rule to my advantage with awkward staff, but generally I will pull the pallets to the back of a trailer, unless there is a loading bay. some do not allow you inside I know, but I still want to check count and contents before leaving site or signing anything.