Hope the guy is sorted,i was stuck in Irun for 7 days,and when the food runs out it aint funny.I took a bus to San Sebastion to see the clerk in the ministry offices,no joy there,i had a ships winch that side shifted to make it a wide load,in Burgos i paid to have a crane repostion the darn thing,but it shifted again even with chains on it.
Waited for fax to go to Vitoria to sort the permit for the Basque,and pay the fine for the boss who i told do not hand write on my attestation,he did,i even emailed them before the trip to ensure the attestation was accurate.
The cherry caps said my form was a forge,the truth was i had not driven for 6 months before getting stopped on the last peage in the Basque.

he is on his way

When i was pulled,i saw a Porky haulier hand in a pile of cash to the Cherry hat HQ,for his orange plates on the rear of his trailer no being bright enough,i kid you not.

Hope the guy is sorted,i was stuck in Irun for 7 days,and when the food runs out it aint funny.I took a bus to San Sebastion to see the clerk in the ministry offices,no joy there,i had a ships winch that side shifted to make it a wide load,in Burgos i paid to have a crane repostion the darn thing,but it shifted again even with chains on it.
Waited for fax to go to Vitoria to sort the permit for the Basque,and pay the fine for the boss who i told do not hand write on my attestation,he did,i even emailed them before the trip to ensure the attestation was accurate.
The cherry caps said my form was a forge,the truth was i had not driven for 6 months before getting stopped on the last peage in the Basque.

If your load shifted twice it was an insecure load and you deserve to get nicked. Down to you mate.

You are correct,i should have not collected it in Algcericas,and come back empty to the UK.

You are correct,i should have not collected it in Algcericas,and come back empty to the UK.

Or you could have collected it, tied it on properly, then delivered it in UK. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was fined 2301,why do they make it the odd one euro at the end,bizzare??

beginning at the bottom for what they consider little or minor offences tend to go up to 1500 euros, slightly more for the next scale of offences to 3000 euros and then to 5000 etc etc etc, every offence has a grade so basically they have given him the minimum fine for that grade of offence by fining him 3001 euros

To pay for the rather expensive looking police HQ off junction 3 near San Sebastion,modern design in silver.You can not park a truck outside to give them the cash for security with the ETA and all that.

Are these fines or a deposit?

If they are a fine can you get a reduction for prompt payment?

Surely they can only do you for offensives in the previous 28 days, as any printouts would have to be returned and filed in the relevent transport office.

for certain offences there are reductions for prompt payment.

they are viewed as down payments but usually if found to be in the wrong the cost of trying to get it reduced will be far higher than the original fine.

Digital tachograph they can go back for at least a year depending on the offences found