Help Digi card


Eat My BB:
I though it was the employers responsibility to download the card and not the employee’s.
I did work for a company through an agency and the company never downloaded my card, they never asked for it, and I didn’t offer it to them for download.

No, I’m pretty sure it’s the drivers responsibility, the buck stops here and all that, I maybe wrong though

I have had a quick glance at this.
Have a read at page 40 … europe.pdf

Well, I haven’t heard anything from them so new job on the way

As stated in the other posts. You have made your card available to the employer. It is the employees responabilty to ensure digital data is download from drivers cards. Don’t worry about vosa, as long as you have data on your card you are fine (I’m assuming you had no problems with your digi card). The company will be at fault for “failing to secure digital data” from driver/s.