Hello from Sir Bertie


jessicas dad:

Hold down a job■■? Really, pretty sure it’s you that puts up a pic of a different firm your working for every other month, couple of them being lads off here and that have slagged you off. Or am I mistaken? Could be mixing you up with someone else, I sometimes make mistakes but I’m only human, and your excuse is?

Must be nice being so bitter and twisted… Enjoy.

As for " all " my jobs… Do you have any idea what I do.

Is this a Trick question jd■■?

Apart from moan like hell and balls up the jobs you go into for other people take DHL for a start Alex, could wait to see the back of you and your snivelling ways your just unemployable full stop I wouldn’t pay you with washers so do everyone a favour and grow up you sound like a spoilt brat no one else here…YOU

Over and out. Jp

And up comes contestant number 2…

Wtf are you on about■■? I’ve never worked for
dhl :unamused:

You sure did work for them out of the Wakefield depot

I worked there about 6 times in 4 months on the agency last year, in fact they wanted me to stay on but the agency keep taking me off. So I don’t really know where your trying to go with this.


Point taken.

Move on chief! :wink:

jessicas dad:

Ok if you insist. We’ll stick to that story then…

Like we will stick to the phantom lorry on your accident, funny you didn’t get that on camera.

Moonface :grimacing: