"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Hi Spardo and Dispatcher, you are correct. I messed up. Well spotted. Hallett Silbermann is located in Brent House, Travellers Lane, Welham Green, Hatfield, Herts, AL9 7HF. Apologies for the mis-information.

Metcalfe Farms - another British company - Haulage - Metcalfe Farms - from Leyburn, North Yorkshire.

Holleman - heavy haulage company from Romainia.

That first pic is from the Peter Booth collection Buzzer.

Looks like some components for the Royal Navy Chris…?

Interesting SDU, never heard of it before.

Not everything with a German sounding name is German Herr Sutherland :laughing:

I don’t know the full history, but I assume Mr. Silbermann was of German descendant?

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I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the roots of the firm were Dutch, goes back to 1946. Started as a earthmoving operation, and over the years they more and more became a big name in the heavy haulage sector. In 2004 the firm was sold and a lot of the drivers and equipment ended up in a familiar black and red livery :wink:

I’m not 100% sure, as Holleman already had offices in Spain, Portugal and Romania, but I think one of the Holleman brothers went to lead the Romanian depot.

Here’s a link that shows some of the trucks they started with; holleman (bouwmachinesvantoen-archief.nl)

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I don’t think so Patrick there were 5 loads altogether 3 by Brooks of Bristol and 2 by Hills,I can’t remember who’s job it was

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No worries mate, looks like it’s been a while :wink: What was the running height though, do you remember?

between 17 and 18ft I think I know it was a high load I remember doing the route notifications but can’t bring to mind where.

Cyril Anderson was a smart cookie and worthy of googling, along with Western Transport.

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When I first started driving about 1975 I was driving for Dave Luckett in Fareham I was sent to Gosport with a 40ft flat trailer to I think a company called Allday Aluminium they had built a powder tank out of aluminium the turned it upside down so the discharge shut’s where facing up when i got into the yard the night before going it was measured at 17ft6inch. Only problem i had was at Wickham (no M27 in those days) no one new the height of the old railway bridge so stopped at the bottom of the hill 4 o’clock in the morning a nice policemen came along he escorted me down round by the mill as that bridge is higher through Wickham square then waved me on. only bridge I came across up to Carmichael body builders in Worcester. Funny the thing’s you remember. Gerbil


A golden oldie, Buzzer



Here’s some more footage Herr Sutherland.

Courtesy of the Holleman archives.


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Great photos Patrick keep them coming


Excellent sir. Great photos.

Thank you Patrick

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Metcalfe Farms Scania - based in North Yorkshire, UK - (website)

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This is another name that probably doesn’t ring too many bells, RALPH trucks from SA.