1943 Pacific, credit to Dave Fawcett for the photo.
Have a look at the website of Scheuerle mate, they’ll explain everything on there.
Comfort and reliability are the main reason apparently, I have a mate that lives in Canada and has driven KW’s and Peterbilt’s, apart from the bunk, the rest is appalling. The last truck he drove before coming back to the “old world” was a Freightliner, which was quite decent. Still miles away though from any European make.
The Autocar is still owned by Geoff Makinson Oily, saw it in France at “Locomotion en Fête”, really tidy.
I saw this one in the flesh Oily, very impressing vehicle!
Good man Patrick. Scheuerle have quite a range of trailers… Here is the link to their website: TII SCHEUERLE - TII
Velebit Promet - a Croatian company.
Here is a link to a couple of videos on their website - Videos – Velebit – Promet
Re Scammel: I sat in the cab of one at a Commercial motor show around '70 and was disappointed to find it had an automated 'box (Alison IIRC) which shows that I’ve been a sad ■■■■■■■ for well over 50 years
Somewhere in this section (i can’t be a rsed to find it again) there is a line of ‘information’ that
reads… There are 164 replies with an estimated read time of 1007 minutes
What a load of ball c ocks.
“Fetch me a beer my love, I might be here for some time”
Should keep you busy mate😉 How are things anyway? Still running on tick-over?
Yes, we all know about your obsession, or more like fetish, about 9-speed Fullers…
The Spanish heavy haulage specialist - Special Transportation ARBEGUI - base on the north coast of Spain in Artea.
They should still have a Haynes tractor unit in the fleet, if I’m not mistaken Johnny, a really impressive beast! I’ll see if I can dig some footage up of it.