Here’s a couple photo’s of Heavy Haulage jobs in Australia recentley - might be of interest ?
1: Three rig pulling set up - The load is a Le Tourneau loading shovel on route to Mackay, Queensland coalmines ( The wheels are taken off and
often the tray/chassis and sent as seperate load)
2: Hevi Haul of Perth W.A. - even our roads aren’t wide enough !
HI! Pics from a cranemove last summer,First my blue scania R580 with at the time 7600000km.Hade to borrow a trailer to this job mine was at the workshop.
Our other scania a 620 just two months old at the time.
And we had some help
two 80ton crane to help
Like a puzzle
soon finisched
almost now
Well that all i got had to leav before the were done do to my back load.
Hope u enjoyed!
Well I,ve finally found the right thread , and I’m the one to blame 'cause me and computers, let’s say we’re not the biggest mates…
However, a little introduction then, I’m a lorry driver for about 11 years now, and I’ve spent most of that time working for dutch heavy haulier v.d. Vlist and I’ve had my share of doing trips to most parts of europe, nowadays the destinations are mostly in France and the U.K.
And those two countries are my favorit, especially the U.K. because it seems to me that nobody of the law seems to care what you’re doing, I’ve never had any problems with the VOSA or the police.
So having said that shall I kick off with some pics then
Rikki that is a "TROJAN " 8x8 Volvo engine, Allison gear box weighing 72 tons and capable of pulling 500 tons gross train weight and British built ( with foreign components ) a marvelous piece of kit
cheers Johnnie