Have far have you done

Tottenham - Nottingham in a 13tonne Volvo because there isn’t one bloody place on the M1 that takes a keyfuels card. It didn’t help that the keyfuels booklet in the cab was from about 1989 and the two stations I diverted off the M1 to go and see said no we don’t do it any more they don’t pay their bills quickly enough.

The best is where the day man fills the nearside tank up only (Scania with twin tanks) so that when you get in the gauge reads full until about 75 miles where in levels out and you realise you were actually only 2/3rds full to begin with. :open_mouth:

I got from Trafford Park to Northampton yesterday on an eighth of a tank with a fully loaded container on the back. Mind you I was asked by the boss to do it, we’ve had a couple of drivers complain that they aren’t given enough diesel money when they leave the yard. Well it goes to prove that the harder you are on the pedal the more diesel you use, looks like I may have to teach these drivers how to drive economically.

when i was on a 7.5 tonner, i pulled back in the yard, and pulled up behind george who was on the diesel pump, killed the engine, went into the office did my paperwork, came out, and the truck wouldnt start as there wasnt enough for the pickup to get at!

not sure how far i have done, coming out on this job, the light came on at the dartford bridge, i got to belgium, but i dont normaly let it get that low anymore, this was the first time in a long time that has happened

I got this low today as i limped into a fuel station, thought i was going to have to push, why do we always seem to wait till the red light comes on till we think about looking for somewhere to fil up, its because we like a challenge :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

once got from birmingham to london victoria coach station with low fuel light on in a B10 M clunkliner for nat ex :smiley: Am I allowed to post this ona truck web-site? My first post,so hello to all

I have had the fuel light illuminated from Clacket Lane Services, and still got to Chippenham.

I have pulled onto the pump at Veurne with my Fuel Data computer showing that I had 0 litres, enough to give a range of 0 km. Couldn’t see any diesel at the bottom of either tank. :smiley:

Am I allowed to post this ona truck web-site? My first post,so hello to all

Course you are, there are a fair few from NatEx, Megabus etc on here.

Welcome along!

I used to live in spain working for nefetrans s.l. & i ran out of fuel on the national 1, near that big mountain just before i stopped to fill up 10 kmsto go & it cut out the red caps did me for 100 eurosbut my boss paid ! :grimacing:

I did a full two weeks work in a Bova coach knocking about the doors one week, fuel gauge was reading half a tank so I ignored it thinking they had big tank. I found out one morning that it was a big tank but not that big as it came to a halt out of fuel but the gauge still showing half a tank!

It took 840 litres when it got back to the yard in a 800 litre tank! As well as a new fuel gauge after the boss tried to blame me and I told him where to go!