Has a Hi-Viz ever saved your life?

Yip the Hi-viz hung over the back of the office chair to keep it in good order. And not one mark on it, those boys wear them with pride. :confused:

No, but I’m fairly sure that no-one ever died from wearing one :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I always wear mine, especially when doing trailer swaps. Oil on hi-viz would otherwise be oil on my uniform and potentially oil in my car. Can always get another hi-viz, we get them free anyway.

Tend not to wear it on the road though. Unless I’m only driving a few mile.

The things are a nuisance, especially when you jump of the back of the lorry and it’s hooked up on some steel and nearly pulls your ead orf on the way down,… yes I know I should’nt be jumping of the back of the lorry :unamused:

Can not see the logic of wearing a hi-viz while driving all day.
You get to know where trucks are based and how far they are going.
I am sure some drivers sleep with them on in the cab and at home.Even on their day off,must put the hi-viz on.
Brain washed.
I was in the Red Lion,four muppets with them on.And they were staying over night.
Eating a curry with hi-viz on.
The birds love that look.

Put mine on IF and only IF I’m doing something in a higher risk area. e.g. recently stopped at Southwaite services to investigate indicators problem so stuck hi viz on while fiddling with front lenses and a screwdriver. (don’t tell the unions but I fixed it too!)

A lot of drivers high-viz more resemble a filthy rag than a piece of safety clothing & thus offer them pretty much no extra visibility. The reflective strips on a new/clean high-viz do have their merits in a dark yard.

Annoys me when the greasy high viz brigade wear them whilst driving, dirtying the seat :imp:

So far I seem to be the only chap on here who’s life HAS been saved by a Hi-Vis. Mine’s one of the thick padded ones and it’s saved me from dying of hypothermia or pneumonia on many cold, wet winter nights.