Happy Days!

I think you mean “If your really good, don’t use the clutch coming down the gears” Alix. Which is very true, from the limited experience I have. I drove an Eaton Twin Splitter box, in an ERF EC14 for two n a half years. When I got back into a ZF boxed wagon I had to keep reminding myself to use the clutch, splits won’t change without it :unamused: :smiley:

Your crashing box just sounds groan like a box suffering from old age and abuse Lib’. :smiley:

I have also heard a 4 over 4 with slitter box, called a twin-splitter :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: .

This is actually a 4 speed box with 2 splitters, so they called it a twin splitter.

Eaton developed this gearbox from the likes of a Fuller Roadranger and there was also an automatic twin splitter called a SAMT

Twin Splitters are the best box ever although a 13 speed fuller is quicker to change.

I think there is a gearbox thread somewhere

Your crashing box just sounds groan like a box suffering from old age and abuse Lib’. :smiley:

Thought they called it the yellow peril for a reason :unamused::shock: :grimacing:.