Gov E partition lgv speed limit rise

Seeing as you mention it yes, trucks are better and safer, power steering, stability control, abs, better tyres, trucks now a a lot higher giving the driver a better view of what is in front. Then we can talk about modern roads, when you think that roads are now made a lot wider often with crossed hatching in the middle and sides, lighting is far better at night.

The carnage on the roads still suggest that all that doesn’t really make much difference.

My finish time is irrelevant because the office would just find me something else to do

Which begs the question, what benefit do you get out of getting back quicker to do extra work for the same money while risking your license ?

I’m on job and knock, but like a couple of colleagues, I don’t rush back as I believe the office would look at how many drops had been on the run, notice that there was empty space on the truck and stick and extra drop on next time.

I’m on job and knock, but like a couple of colleagues, I don’t rush back as I believe the office would look at how many drops had been on the run, notice that there was empty space on the truck and stick and extra drop on next time.


Terry T:

I’m on job and knock, but like a couple of colleagues, I don’t rush back as I believe the office would look at how many drops had been on the run, notice that there was empty space on the truck and stick and extra drop on next time.


I would call that playing them at their own game and looking after no.1, but you risk being accused of hanging the job out and will soon be offered a job as a council worker by a certain member on here for showing initiative :unamused: .
Shame on you you should have been flat out with your extra 2 drops ,and sod your licence, and actually earning your £7 (or whatever) an hour. :neutral_face:

If I want to hang the job out I can simply carry less bags, or break the pallet down a bit more than I need to, stack the bags nice and neat etc. :wink:

My experience is that the number of risky overtakes embarked on by car drivers drops significantly if you’re going 50mph or over. This issue is a bit like load security where people, without thinking, automatically make seemingly obvious assumptions, withouth thinking about the issue in more depth, and therefore think more speed equates to more danger.

Motorways are by far the fastest roads yet some of the safest. You only have to get stuck behind a parts van returning to base in the middle of the afternoon to realise there are plenty of drivers out there, in different sorts of vehicle, whose main concern is hanging the job out over road safety.

Maintain my belief the NSL should be left as it is. A blanket rise to 50 is not appropriate, it’d just be an invitation for the many numpties in trucks to ride the limiter everywhere & dodgy gaffers to pile more pressure on their drivers.

Roads should be assessed and a ‘HGV limits don’t apply’ road sign applied to suitable stretches. But that’d be an awful lot of expense when most drivers don’t bother with the speed limit anyway, relieving the issue. The only way to make anything happen is for all HGV drivers to rigidly stick to 40 and thus cause chaos - and that ain’t happening.

To be honest anyone that ignores them already is probably on the limiter. The suggestion on here always seems to be most drivers are sticking 40mph but observation in reality suggests a good percentage, if not the majority, ignore the limit either all the time or in select circumstances.

I don’t think putting, for example, some symbol like a small blue triangle under the national speed limit sign on suitable major A-roads to indicate a 50mph limit for trucks would be much expense at all really.



And as for those admitting to hanging the job out. Ever considered being a council road worker? You can get paid for sitting reading the paper in a layby all day. No reason even to tax yourself as much as driving! :unamused:

Can’t really see where anybody has mate, unless you interperete driving within the legal required max speed limit , (irrespective of whether you or I agree with it :bulb: ) instead of teararsing on the limiter on a two way carriageway as “hanging the job out” :open_mouth:

40 mph and paid by the hour in the same sentence, its pretty obvious what its referring to and its certainly not safety :wink:

I think they call it working smarter …not harder

It’s easy to moan about how many bad drivers there are out there, but let’s me honest - the standard of driving in the UK among the majority (at least of those who use trunk roads/motorways) is very good, and if it wasn’t for the minority, we wouldn’t need speed limits and the rest of us could get on with driving ‘to the conditions’.

I disagree. The standard of driving in the UK is poor and getting worse each year. Most cars don’t even indicate on motorways anymore.

If you speed (and therefore break the LAW) you deserve to suffer the consequences. The fines and points should be double what they currently are and it might make people stop and think as well as realise that the speeds set are for a good reason.

The real problem is tail gating so there’s no room to get back in for those fast enough to overtake safely. The speeds set are those required (probably) to perform an overtake or stop safely and perform manoeuvres more safely. Making someone stay ‘out there’ longer than necessary is totally silly as well as dangerous and should be considered as attempted murder!!

So, no I won’t be signing this petition!

You are a long time dead!

This won’t benefit drivers because most of us are paid by the hour and we would get more pressure to drive faster than the conditions allow due to tighter scheduling of collections/drops.
We would get a higher workload, more pressure, risk and less pay!
Yes it makes logical sense for us to sign it…

Is this attitude why your handle on here is “Jobseeker” ■■?

Own Account Driver:
The suggestion on here always seems to be most drivers are sticking 40mph but observation in reality suggests a good percentage, if not the majority, ignore the limit either all the time or in select circumstances.

^ This.

It is very rare indeed I come across anybody other than a supermarket wagon sticking to 40 on a SC.




And as for those admitting to hanging the job out. Ever considered being a council road worker? You can get paid for sitting reading the paper in a layby all day. No reason even to tax yourself as much as driving! :unamused:

Can’t really see where anybody has mate, unless you interperete driving within the legal required max speed limit , (irrespective of whether you or I agree with it :bulb: ) instead of teararsing on the limiter on a two way carriageway as “hanging the job out” :open_mouth:

40 mph and paid by the hour in the same sentence, its pretty obvious what its referring to and its certainly not safety :wink:

As I said, your interpretation.
Nobody said it was for safety, what I did say was that it is the law.
The fact that it is an hourly rate is an added advantage to the situation in question, not neccessarily a reason for doing so.

How far do you go with this selective attitude to the law exactly? :open_mouth:
You don’t agree with the limit, so you disregard it and do 50 in a 40, as in your opinion 40 is hanging the job out.
So would you by the same token say sticking to 9or10 hours driving limit is also hanging the job out, when you could choose go do over the the 9or10 if you do not agree with that regulation also.

On the face of it 40 is maybe slow, ok, but nobody is above the law bud, and I plan to keep my licence.

But that’s the point, speed limits ARE about safety not about how much money Joe Bloggs can make per hour. That is just a personal circumstance thing. Pretty sure if we were all compulsory paid by the load or drop though this topic would have a landslide support for raising it. Its when the cap fits…

Even if they upped it to 50 it doesn’t mean to say everyone has to do it. Limit not a target… just means those who wish to can do so legally.

It’s easy to moan about how many bad drivers there are out there, but let’s me honest - the standard of driving in the UK among the majority (at least of those who use trunk roads/motorways) is very good, and if it wasn’t for the minority, we wouldn’t need speed limits and the rest of us could get on with driving ‘to the conditions’.

Is this your honest opinion of driving in the UK? What are you basing it on? Your judgement? If this is your opinion then you are in a minority for sure.
You want to do away with speed limits and let drivers drive to the conditions? I think you would find plenty would have no perception of how to to that.
Complete carnage would be the result… :unamused:

With reference to comments about trucks been safer nowadays, is a truck doing 56mph going to cause less damage to whatever it hits than it would of 20 years ago?
50+ on motorways is fine as you don’t have cars travelling in the opposite direction in excess of 60mph a foot away from you.
The standard of driving in this country as a whole is pretty poor, why throw in a speed increase for the largest vehicles on our roads? Recipe for disaster in my opinion.
And before anyone says that most trucks are doing that speed anyway, I’m not, and the thing that puts me off doing so is plain an simple, it’s the law.


It’s easy to moan about how many bad drivers there are out there, but let’s me honest - the standard of driving in the UK among the majority (at least of those who use trunk roads/motorways) is very good, and if it wasn’t for the minority, we wouldn’t need speed limits and the rest of us could get on with driving ‘to the conditions’.

Is this your honest opinion of driving in the UK? What are you basing it on? Your judgement? If this is your opinion then you are in a minority for sure.
You want to do away with speed limits and let drivers drive to the conditions? I think you would find plenty would have no perception of how to to that.
Complete carnage would be the result… :unamused:

^ Sadly very true words.


It’s easy to moan about how many bad drivers there are out there, but let’s me honest - the standard of driving in the UK among the majority (at least of those who use trunk roads/motorways) is very good, and if it wasn’t for the minority, we wouldn’t need speed limits and the rest of us could get on with driving ‘to the conditions’.

Is this your honest opinion of driving in the UK? What are you basing it on? Your judgement? If this is your opinion then you are in a minority for sure.
You want to do away with speed limits and let drivers drive to the conditions? I think you would find plenty would have no perception of how to to that.
Complete carnage would be the result… :unamused:

Actually, in Javiatrix’s defence, and ignoring Motorways and d/c’s for the moment we daily have hundreds of thousands of tonnes of metal passing each other from opposite directions with barely inches of separation without absolute carnage, so we must be doing something right. Just take a look at some of the Russian dashcam footage to see how our brothers from the east get even that so wrong!

Whilst i certainly agree that daily we witness acts of appalling driving from all road users it’s a fact that we have the safest roads with least injuries and fatalities per head than any other nation in Europe.

Do I think we should abolish speed limits? God no, that way lies anarchy! :wink:



Has it reduced deaths or caused more when people try and over take in frustration

Make a petition to ban overtaking?

you wouldn’t need a petition :unamused:
just 2 white un-broken lines painted all the way down the road.

There’s some leeway for passing on lines, just put up the no overtaking signs.