found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailer
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailer
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailerSent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
On a 26t trailer
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blue estate:
found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailerSent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
On a 26t trailer
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that’s what the guy in the factory said.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
blue estate:
found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailerSent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
On a 26t trailer
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that’s what the guy in the factory said.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Lucky it was still in yard and not on Motorway at 56mph
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snap crackle and drop a new truckers breakfast
blue estate:
found out this morning it was a 27 tonne machine that caused the demise of this trailerSent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
On a 26t trailer
I’m no expert but wouldn’t the positioning of that load contributed to the trailers demise?,wouldn’t of it been better over the back axles?
Putting heavy loads on the rear of any trailer makes a real jack knife risk, obviously the cargo is extremely heavy and so needed to be equally distributed between the drive and rear axles. Looking at the small gap in the floor of the trailer that is visible just behind the load I would say it is a coil carrier trailer, the coils of steel drop into the recess of the floor and are held in place, the fact that the flooring is missing from that recess suggest a weakness may have occurred.
I saw this…The irony is they sent a similar trailer out for the crane to transfer the Press onto… I think there must have been a weakness in the chassis for this to happen…we carry single coils of the same weight without a problem… our lightweight trailers will and do carry 31 tonnes in a single lump
The company involved are experienced in carrying these Presses and don’t usually have an issue. The fact it’s a coil carrier, in my opinion isn’t the problem, having carried similar stuff on the bed over the years I’d go with a stressed chassis.
I may be wrong, I usually am