Goodbye for now altered to i'm getting better

Hope all goes well and that all is well when you come out of isolation

And Becky says “Get well soon”

get well soon and leave the nurses alone :laughing:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Leave the nurses alone :question: :question:

Not only is he ill, you say he cant have any fun either :question: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Shame on you :smiling_imp:

All the best Steve.

Bit late (you’re in now!) but all the best mate.

All the best Steve, hurry up and get well it’s not that long till the xmas pee up, and who’ll take care of molesting Sam for me :wink: :wink:

put her in a nurses uniform and i’ll see what i can do for you steve.
thanks to all for your kind words and thoughts

Well what can I say; I’ve just had one hell of a week with more twists and turns than any of the roller coasters I love to ride.

THU 13/9/09 I went to my doctors to have an insect bite on my leg checked out only to be told that it wasn’t an insect bite but he wasn’t sure quite sure what it was
He started to examine me, temp, pulse, eyes, ears, and every thing else he could think of to check.
Then he surprised me by asking me if I didn’t used to have darker skin, which surprised me because I hadn’t seen this man for 20 years but we agree I’m looking pale and that I’ve felt overly tired for a long, long time we wound this little soiree up with a blood sample and another appointment for a visit to dress my leg wound the next day.
A couple of hours later I’m sat at home with my girlfriend, and a couple of mates drinking coffee and having a ■■■ relating what had happened at the surgery when my phone rings, I answer it and it was the nurse from the surgery, I’m told to get down to the hospital as soon as possible.
I told her I’d have my tea first then I’ll go, and an hour later I’m being pricked and prodded and told to get some pyjamas sorted because I’m going to be here for a week, with that its thank you and goodnight and parked up in ward 1Z
Fri 14/9/09 woke at 6 to find the doc from last night already standing over me wanting the first blood sample of the day, that finished I had a cup of coffee, then off on a day of discovery and despair.
A lot of the day is a blur, but we started off looking at blood disorder, because my mam suffers from pernicious anaemia so all was concentrated on that, and I was resigning myself to that, after all once I’d had intensive injections to get my blood up to scratch its just a case of having an injection every 3 months to keep the V12 levels up
Wrong, very very. wrong
The doc who was really going to put the boot in came up and explained that all the tests I had taken were coming up against it being pernicious anaemia, and my heart sank when she explained the next test, now I knew I wasn’t going home for a while
So off we went and out came a sample of bone marrow, and a sample of bone off my hip
As that was sent off for tests, my son and my mate arrived so off we went for a ■■■ and joked the usual about burying me in the back yard instead of paying for a funeral etc
I’d gone back to the ward and was having tea when all of a sudden two male nurses whipped my food away and wheeled my bed into a side room, before I could move my doc is there flashing her pearly whites at me and telling me I’ve got acute myeloid luekemia and that I cant be near people anymore cos they can kill me by breathing on me, and that I will be moving up to a specialist ward in 5 minutes
True to her word I moved here 5 minutes later never to leave again or so it seems, there’s nowt wrong with small spaces until you’re forced to endure one.
Saturday and Sunday were spent having more tests and a blood transfusion to try and get my white cell count up
One thing its good for I’ve not had a ■■■ for 8 days so it looks like they’re curing me of that as well, cheerio for now, biggus.

Bloody hell steve :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . It brings my little problem into perspective.
Keep fighting. i`m sure your in the right place to get better eh? And internet access too- no looking at “specialist” websites!

Bit late here Biggus, I did hear about this earlier in the week, but only got internet today, Sorry to hear about your illness, only ever met you the once at Truckfest Peterborough about 4 years ago.

Hopefully, you treatment will be successfull, and it won’t be too long before your back on here giving us all the gory details.

Get well soon Steve.

put her in a nurses uniform and i’ll see what i can do for you steve.

Oi, Am not dressing up in a nurses uniform for anyone, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Best you keep on in there and get better, mate…How the hell am I supposed to continue aiding the cause of (and slobbering over) Iveco world ■■■■■■■■■■ without my number one partner in slime? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

It makes you worry about going to visit the doctor, Everytime I go in they find something new for me to worry about. Nothing as serious as your problem mate, and its probably not as embarrasing as JB’s balls :wink:

Hope things turn out ok, you too JB

:open_mouth: Jeez, that’s a shocker!

We’re all thinking of you. If positive, caring thoughts can have a healing effect, you’ll be sorted in no time!

Went to see Steve today he looked ok for a man with a low blood count couldn’t give him a hug and kiss from animal. Samb he says he not speaking to you until he see’s you in a nurse’s uniform

[quoteSamb he says he not speaking to you until he see’s you in a nurse’s uniform[/quote]
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: are you sure hes ill mike
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: get well soon mate

Lobo Loco:
Went to see Steve today he looked ok for a man with a low blood count couldn’t give him a hug and kiss from animal. Samb he says he not speaking to you until he see’s you in a nurse’s uniform

Texted him this morning, and told him that I don’t dress in a nurses uniform for just anyone

just the thought of sam in a nurses uniform must have been enough.
i’ve got my last dose of chemo this morning and the docs say i’m still fairly strong, all the tests are coming back ok, so they have told me I can go home for 3 weeks until my next session of chemo is due, but under strict supervision, I think the last bit was because I was rubbing my hands and said summat about getting a load for sunday
no sense of humour these docs :smiley:

just the thought of sam in a nurses uniform must have been enough.
i’ve got my last dose of chemo this morning and the docs say i’m still fairly strong, all the tests are coming back ok, so they have told me I can go home for 3 weeks until my next session of chemo is due, but under strict supervision, I think the last bit was because I was rubbing my hands and said summat about getting a load for sunday
no sense of humour these docs :smiley:

tipical bloody owner drivers :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

glad to here its going well steve

just the thought of sam in a nurses uniform must have been enough.
i’ve got my last dose of chemo this morning and the docs say i’m still fairly strong, all the tests are coming back ok, so they have told me I can go home for 3 weeks until my next session of chemo is due, but under strict supervision, I think the last bit was because I was rubbing my hands and said summat about getting a load for sunday
no sense of humour these docs :smiley:


At least things seem to be on the up though Steve, lets hope this chemo does the trick

that pic you sent was just the tonic sam, dont worry i wont tell steve :wink:
went for a check today and all progressing ok, next one 10.00 wednesday

hey biggus keep fighting mate and goodluck :smiley: :wink:

i am carl, thanks
been a funny week this week, had platelets on saturday and home.
back in for tests on monday, and my counts were ok
had tuesday at home, had a welcome visit in the afternoon from lucy who was in town, that evening chilling out i noticed a clump of hair in my hand, so out with the shears and biggus is a skinhead again
went for my tests again wednesday and my white cell count had bombed to zero, so in on thursday for another blood transfusion and home
in again today for tests and my platelets had bombed as well, so i had another transfusion of them and should be ok for when i report in on sunday to be tested.