Goodbye for now altered to i'm getting better

I spoke to steve on tuesday just as he was due to get a line put in for his chemo. He sounded fairly upbeat and positive which is good.
Good luck steve if your reading this. YOU CAN DO IT MATE

Just hope you 3 blokes keep on fighting. I knew that you were a bit off it JB.

I just read the rest of this thread.

Best Wishes to you all.


Sorry to hear the ■■■■■ news, Steve :frowning:

Yes, keep it strong all three, I hope I’ll see at least one of you during ‘the grand tour’ :unamused: :laughing:

well they’ve let me out again, finished this round of chemo but struggling to keep my counts up, so i’m back in on monday for platelets and bloods on tuesday or wednesday, but at least i’m back in my own bed.
thanks for the words and thoughts, they do make a difference knowing you’re not on your own.

Sleep well Babe. I’m glad your out. :wink:

Glad you’re home Steve…But if you think I’m coming to visit you this time around you’ve no chance - I’m sure it was me gave you the cough and nigh on killed you last time! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Take care mate. Will give you a ring at some point. It’s safer. :stuck_out_tongue:

things gone a bit quiet hope you two are keeping ok,but as they say no news is good news so biggus & jb lets hear some good news it would be a great xmas present, thanks harry long retired.

Hello harry. Ive not spoken to steve for a while so i dont know how hes getting on
A merry xmas to you and everyone else
Rgds Jon
I`ve edited this as it seems a bit inapropriate

It must be a it of a bugger waiting that long for the results. Have a good christmas and I hope it all goes well for you both.

I hope you guys are doing OK. :smiley:

I’ve had a shocker myself, but it was to do with my son.
Things seem to be looking up for him, so I hope you guys get some good news soon too.

I’ll not hijack this thread, but you can read the recent story posted by willie_mac to find out more.

I’m watching you lot, so steady as she goes eh chaps… :laughing:

Can I draw your attention to this please … e&Itemid=1

Admin I know you do not permit links to other sites But I think you will agree this is an exception to that rule thank you.

And I would like to add My best wishes to Biggus and his Family through this terrible time.

Can I draw your attention to this please … e&Itemid=1

Admin I know you do not permit links to other sites But I think you will agree this is an exception to that rule thank you.

And I would like to add My best wishes to Biggus and his Family through this terrible time.

that certainly is an Exception

Best Wishes Steve and Family


my good wishes and heartfelt sympathy goes out to steve and his close family in this terrible time they must be going through.

Its very difficult knowing quite what to say to this awful news.
Ive spoken to steve a few times over the last few months and hes a sound bloke who helped me when he could.
Take care steve.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Strength to you and all the family Steve, despite the news we’ll still be rooting for you from here. Remember the fat lady - she hasn’t sung yet. :wink: :slight_smile:

he`s a sound bloke

I’ll second that JB.

I met Steve at Truckfest and I’ll guarantee that you couldn’t wish to meet a nicer or more genuine guy.

All the best to Steve for the coming fight.

Just caught up with this, thats awful, awful news, I dont know what to say apart from best wishes for the future Steve.

We’ve not met, but I’ve been inspired by the fight you’ve put up Steve, and the way you’ve maintained your humour throughout. There’s not much I can say at this news, but I wish you and all your family all the best and more whatever the outcome. May your God bless and keep you. :cry: :cry: