Goodbye for now altered to i'm getting better

Your a good man Steve, keep up the good work and show them how its done. :wink:

You’ve always been special Steve


thanks george, lyndsey and pat (hello stranger).
to be honest i’m bemused by it all really,
i’ve spent the last 50 years quietly going about my business trying to bother no one, and now i’m being feted by professors and the like.
its taking some getting used to really, its a bit disconcerting being told there is no way i could have survived.
they’ve explained how pneumonia works, how it fills the normally air filled sacs with fluid so that the lung can’t absorb oxygen, then you die.
they’ve shown me the x rays from when i was at my worst and my lungs were full of liquid so i could not possibly breathe, but i kept breathing and thats one of the things they’re working on to understand better how it happened.
the wierdest feeling was having the professor leaning over me rubbing his hands, drooling to another consultant about having a live one to work on :open_mouth: :laughing:

Great news Steve :smiley:

Great News Steve, and a BIG THANK YOU to everyone
who is looking after you ,

cheers colin and pete, and yes i’ll echo that, a HUGE THANKS to all the team thats worked on me this last year.

your last names not Austin it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good to here some good news at long last

Enjoy the fuss while you can just think of all the nurses :laughing: :wink:

no neil its not, but i had to think about that one for a while before it clicked :frowning:
welcome to the sick club and i hope you’re not in too much pain at the moment
cheers ang, the pretty nurses are the only reason i keep going back :laughing:

have you got a Guardian Angel looking over your shoulder?

I had 1 as you know called Mary who didn’t shut up for 3 days (and still hasn’t)

we are so pleased to hear this that Iv’e taken the liberty (I’m sure you will not mind) of copying your post to a good freind of ours in South Africa whos’e wife has been in a coma since early September

hiya ken, yes i do have one, i’ll keep it to myself to avoid ridicule, but i know he’s there.
copy all you want, once its posted it belongs to everyone, hope it does some good.
hope you and mary are keeping well, cheers.

looks like things are on the up for you biggus,i did get to 70 before the c thingy struck so really every day is a bonus i hated the chemo i felt rotten i’m a fairly big guy but it knocked me for six killed my immune system and i finished up with pneumonia after the op i was offered more chemo but couldn’t face it maybe i should have been a bit braver but i feel ok, anyway old pal keep oe’r to the left and get well soon theres loads of baby sitting and school runs to do it can be fun i didn’t see my own kids much when they was growing up so i try to make as much fuss of the grandkids as possible good luck pal thanks harry long retired.

i’m the same as you harry, i missed all the kids growing up chasing the £s
i’m not making that mistake with the grandkids
let their parents chase the £s now and i’ll play with the kids all day long :laughing:

Hello harry, good that your ok and enjoying life mate.
I just thought id add that im 3weeks into chemo and coping fairly well. Im a fairly big bloke like yourself but i suppose i have age on my side (just into my 40s!! ((i look about bloody 90 :laughing: ))
What im trying to get across here is to anyone else reading this facing chemo Its an individual thing. Some people really struggle and some dont. Everyone has different side effects. The fear of the unknown was a killer for me, now im into the course i just wanna get it over and done with.
P.s steve they told me im neutropenic on friday :unamused: .. Im know in isolation avoiding everyone :laughing: (i`m an unsociable git anyway so its no bother)
Hope you both stay healthy and happy for many years to come.
Rgds Jon



Didn’t mean to shout, just too knackered to type it all again :smiley: :smiley:

hello JB didn’t know about you until the above post thanks for best wishes you need a bit of luck now, funny old thing that chemo affects people in different ways one guy older than me he was like me had the treatment tate evening sleep over in the hospital used to go to the pub near the hospital as soon as he got released and me could hardly walk they had to stop the treatment part way through my third session i was a wreck but seemingly it had done enough good to let them go ahead with the surgery,and at 72 i’m thankful for every extra day i hope you’ll keep posting and let us know how well you’re doing it’s a lot different now the recovery rate is much better enough for now mate keep in touch,thanks harry long retired.

happy birthday to me,
it’s a year ago today oct 31st/nov 1st that i came out of my coma.
who says the devil doesn’t look after his own :laughing:

Happy Birthday ■■■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Happy Birthday Steve ( I will leave out the ■■■■ bit :open_mouth: ) have a great day

happy birthday biggus stick in mate, thanks harry long retired. :smiley: