Good for her.Young coach driver

Well done her.

When is the big ceremony where she’s presented with a pair of white socks and slip on shoes■■?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Do they still wear them? Along with farah trousers!

There is a young lad in Wales who drives for his Fathers firm,takes his class mates to school and changes into his school blazer.We so often hear negative things about the youth of to-day,they make a fine change.

What school does he go then?? 17 to drive a car. and have to be 18 to carry passengers and oh can only go within a 50km radius of depot when under 21 unless it has changed since I passed my bus test at 18, was not allowed to do a couple of routes as they went past the 50km limit.

White socks and slip on shoes lol!!
Bloody brilliant!
I think she may have trouble if she decides to do Euopean work as some of the coach drivers I hear bragging on the ferry have slept with the courier all trip!!


There is a young lad in Wales who drives for his Fathers firm,takes his class mates to school and changes into his school blazer.We so often hear negative things about the youth of to-day,they make a fine change.

What school does he go then?? 17 to drive a car. and have to be 18 to carry passengers and oh can only go within a 50km radius of depot when under 21 unless it has changed since I passed my bus test at 18, was not allowed to do a couple of routes as they went past the 50km limit.

Had to re sit a year? Could still be in sixth forum at 19.

There is a young lad in Wales who drives for his Fathers firm,takes his class mates to school and changes into his school blazer.We so often hear negative things about the youth of to-day,they make a fine change.

Is he fit?

I drive a school bus ,some of the lads are bigger than me,I weigh 15 stones and am about 5 foot 10 inches .Its not like the days where you left school at 15 years old.They can be 19 years old by the time that they have their advanced highers etc.Driving will soon be part of the curriculum.


There is a young lad in Wales who drives for his Fathers firm,takes his class mates to school and changes into his school blazer.We so often hear negative things about the youth of to-day,they make a fine change.

What school does he go then?? 17 to drive a car. and have to be 18 to carry passengers and oh can only go within a 50km radius of depot when under 21 unless it has changed since I passed my bus test at 18, was not allowed to do a couple of routes as they went past the 50km limit.

This should explain it for you. :slight_smile:

At least there wont be too much reversing for her to do in a Bus. Anyone notice how ■■■■ poor bus drivers are at reversing? I told one to reverse the other day as he’d blocked me in and you’d have thought I’d took a sh** in his lunchbox. He then said, “We’re not allowed to reverse.”. I burst out laughing in his face.

I digress, congratz to the lass.

Most of the coaches have reversing cameras.I think this young lady will end up as a director and one day expand the fleet and do.more European trips.

At least there wont be too much reversing for her to do in a Bus. Anyone notice how ■■■■ poor bus drivers are at reversing? I told one to reverse the other day as he’d blocked me in and you’d have thought I’d took a sh** in his lunchbox. He then said, “We’re not allowed to reverse.”. I burst out laughing in his face.

I digress, congratz to the lass.

If it’s on a main road and is carrying passengers, a PCV cannot reverse by law.

Bizarre, but true.


At least there wont be too much reversing for her to do in a Bus. Anyone notice how ■■■■ poor bus drivers are at reversing? I told one to reverse the other day as he’d blocked me in and you’d have thought I’d took a sh** in his lunchbox. He then said, “We’re not allowed to reverse.”. I burst out laughing in his face.

I digress, congratz to the lass.

If it’s on a main road and is carrying passengers, a PCV cannot reverse by law.

Bizarre, but true.

Wot he said. Passengers have to disembark before bus can reverse. That’s why some places have dedicated turning circles for buses.

I drive school buses and often have to reverse into farm entrances etc. to turn the bus around.I have on occasion reversed half a mile when I have met timber lorries or a low loader carrying a tractor or whathaveyou.I mainly drive on country lanes,with the odd run to Glasgow ,Aberdeen or Perth.

Wot he said. Passengers have to disembark before bus can reverse. That’s why some places have dedicated turning circles for buses.

I have heard this before, but can anyone find a link to the actual law that says this ?

tbh it sounds like it belongs in the drivers myth thread :wink:

Surely reversing a bus with 52 passengers stood around is a elf’n safety risk :exclamation:

Denis F:
tbh it sounds like it belongs in the drivers myth thread :wink:

It’s probably company policy on most fleets and these have a habit of becoming ‘law’ :smiley:

There is no such law.

I have reversed several times with 53 passengers on board today alone.

Where in the RTA or the Highway Code does it say a bus cannot reverse with pax on?

Smell ■■■■■■

When is the big ceremony where she’s presented with a pair of white socks and slip on shoes■■?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … ec2009.pdf
Point 1.8

Denis F:

Wot he said. Passengers have to disembark before bus can reverse. That’s why some places have dedicated turning circles for buses.

I have heard this before, but can anyone find a link to the actual law that says this ?

tbh it sounds like it belongs in the drivers myth thread :wink:

Surely reversing a bus with 52 passengers stood around is a elf’n safety risk :exclamation:

Just asked my missus, she tells me it was taught during her training for PSV. In reality of course it’s impossible to enforce, her routes take her up country lanes where encounters with tractors (and the occasional animal feed lorry :wink: ) are unavoidable.

Point 1.8

Only in Scotland maybe?? Where’s DAF95XF??

Better tell her there’s a problem with her back suspension and it needs testing can she give me a hand be use I certainly would