Girl looking for some trips

This thread has the potential for so much.
Vote for your favourite outcome.

Comedy gold.
Crimewatch special.
A fat guy just wearing underpants.
Two T/net members duel for her affections.
Same as D but only all girl action.
Locked :frowning:
Vote now :smiley:

This thread has the potential for so much.
Vote for your favourite outcome.

Comedy gold.
Crimewatch special.
A fat guy just wearing underpants.
Two T/net members duel for her affections.
Same as D but only all girl action.
Locked :frowning:
Vote now :smiley:

It wont let me vote B & C simultaneously :wink:

Have the courier seat spare on my coach tomorrow for a trip… :slight_smile:

Yeah…Spend all day counting the cars he cuts up! :wink:


Have the courier seat spare on my coach tomorrow for a trip… :slight_smile:

Yeah…Spend all day counting the cars he cuts up! :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Have the courier seat spare on my coach tomorrow for a trip… :slight_smile:

Yeah…Spend all day counting the cars he cuts up! :wink:

I’m thinking his three and I’m pulling out regardless rule might not be appreciated. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

And he’d give her no indication or hand signals either! :wink:

Nothing wrong with the trips you’ve got already sweetie :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry, some of my keys seem to be stuck together :blush: :blush:

Nothing wrong with the trips you’ve got already sweetie :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry, some of my keys seem to be stuck together :blush: :blush:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I would do it a favour. :wink:

This is by far the bestest thread ever.

Marks out of ten…I’d give her…well you know the answer :smiling_imp:

This is by far the bestest thread ever.

Marks out of ten…I’d give her…well you know the answer :smiling_imp:


Wheel Nut:
Why do I get the feeling this thread is going to go horribly wrong? :unamused:

don’t know but I have the same feeling :wink:

Denis F:

Wheel Nut:
Why do I get the feeling this thread is going to go horribly wrong? :unamused:

don’t know but I have the same feeling :wink:

An internet search for the user name reveals several things :blush:

Wheel Nut:

Denis F:

Wheel Nut:
Why do I get the feeling this thread is going to go horribly wrong? :unamused:

don’t know but I have the same feeling :wink:

An internet search for the user name reveals several things :blush:

I saw that a few days ago. Would, err, ‘broad minded’ cover it do you think? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think just ‘broad’ would cover it

Just googled her name… is she the sort of girl me mum warned me to stay away from ? …
but never could :blush:
so if you are well sun tanned and hung like a mule you’re in there… leaves me out in the cold then massa

so if you are well sun tanned and hung like a mule you’re in there…

Mine’s not big but it would fill a pram.

Just googled her name… is she the sort of girl me mum warned me to stay away from ? …
but never could :blush:
so if you are well sun tanned and hung like a mule you’re in there… leaves me out in the cold then massa

Harry Monk:

so if you are well sun tanned and hung like a mule you’re in there…

Mine’s not big but it would fill a pram.

Amazing what the interweb and gooooogle can show you! Looked up Harry Monk, now that is an eye opener, or closer, turn away and wretch! :open_mouth:

God…I feel old! She’s built for comfort that one…Not speed! :wink:

As my old mate used to say “hours of bouncy fun”, He used to rent out bouncy castles as a sideline :smiley: :smiley:

Loads of the Polish girls look fantastic but they don’t age very well, get one past 45 and she has a face like a cartoonist suicide note. :confused: