Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

Plus dont kick off with any matthews drivers they are not to blame

Indeed bubsy06, because that would be to no avail whatsoever, since the company clearly isn’t run by a drivers’ committee.

Who are Matthews most important customers? I’d like to let them know about this in case they are unaware.

Who are Matthews most important customers? I’d like to let them know about this in case they are unaware.

They wouldn’t give two shiny [zb]s.

Money is all that matters. All you have to do is look at TruckNet’s Commander-in-Chief’s response to this. Best not upset anyone who has any money. Forget about humanity.

Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.
You are but an asset and statistic, and to think you are anything else to them is just foolish!

Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.

Thank god it still does in the trucking community and long may it continue.

All you have to do is look at TruckNet’s Commander-in-Chief’s response to this.

For what its worth I personally think the company has acted shamefully on the facts presented and have made a contribution to bring this driver home

Your point is?

So if the poor fella had passed away on a 15 or 30 or 45, which he’d have probably been taking while he was tipping or the such like?

Jesus wept, our place will get you home as quickly as possible if a family member is taken unwell, sod the drop(s) get back and don’t spare the horses.

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Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.

Thank god it still does in the trucking community and long may it continue.

Agreed, but that’s a different point…
Comradery between peers/other drivers is completely different to a firm shafting you or hanging you out to dry if it suit them to protect themselves. They will lie, manipulate and mislead anyone if it’s for “the good of the business”.

I think they should care because this is what Matthews is always going to be remembered for, and I wouldn’t want my business to be associated with them in any way shape or form. It’s not desirable for the consignor to have his goods delivered to his customers by the firm that left a driver on a slab to rot, especially for local deliveries where this episode will never be forgiven.



Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.

Thank god it still does in the trucking community and long may it continue.

Agreed, but that’s a different point…
Comradery between peers/other drivers is completely different to a firm shafting you or hanging you out to dry if it suit them to protect themselves. They will lie, manipulate and mislead anyone if it’s for “the good of the business”.

Don’t judge all haulage companies by the actions of one, I know of companies who’ve got drivers back for family emergencies or who’ve sent a car to get a driver back from hospital because they’ve fallen ill halfway across the Country and they’ve not always been the small family firms, but also PLC’s.
A friend of mine had a family tragedy while working on a home delivery job, he was told to forget the deliveries and come straight home and then he was told to take off as much time as he needed the job would be waiting for him when he was ready to return.




Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.

Thank god it still does in the trucking community and long may it continue.

Agreed, but that’s a different point…
Comradery between peers/other drivers is completely different to a firm shafting you or hanging you out to dry if it suit them to protect themselves. They will lie, manipulate and mislead anyone if it’s for “the good of the business”.

Don’t judge all haulage companies by the actions of one, I know of companies who’ve got drivers back for family emergencies or who’ve sent a car to get a driver back from hospital because they’ve fallen ill halfway across the Country and they’ve not always been the small family firms, but also PLC’s.
A friend of mine had a family tragedy while working on a home delivery job, he was told to forget the deliveries and come straight home and then he was told to take off as much time as he needed the job would be waiting for him when he was ready to return.

I’m not being specific about haulage companies mate…
Or that of family bereavements or emergencies…
Just that when push comes to shove, a business will generally do what’s best for it, irrespective of what’s right, legal or just!


All you have to do is look at TruckNet’s Commander-in-Chief’s response to this.

For what its worth I personally think the company has acted shamefully on the facts presented and have made a contribution to bring this driver home

Your point is?

“They’ve acted shamefully, but…”

It ain’t good enough Rikki. They shouldn’t be making a contribution to bring him home, they should just be bringing him home.

Don’t ■■■■■ foot around it for fear of being sued. It’s disgusting, immoral and inhumane, no ifs, no buts.

Let’s hope this costs them more than the fifteen grand it would’ve done if they’d just done the right thing.

Looking at their Facebook page they do Truckfest every year. I bet they won’t dare to show their faces there again.

Who are Matthews most important customers? I’d like to let them know about this in case they are unaware.

Think I’ve only ever seen them on the unfortunate occasions that I’ve had to do a Lidl

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I see the HGV community is also ruining the reputation of a completely innocent company. which is the one in question here.

Think before leaving stupid fake reviews on Facebook and Google. You could be causing real damage to people who have done nothing wrong.



Humanity doesn’t exist in most business, and certainly not in big faceless business.

Don’t judge all haulage companies by the actions of one, I know of companies who’ve got drivers back for family emergencies or who’ve sent a car to get a driver back from hospital because they’ve fallen ill halfway across the Country and they’ve not always been the small family firms, but also PLC’s.
A friend of mine had a family tragedy while working on a home delivery job, he was told to forget the deliveries and come straight home and then he was told to take off as much time as he needed the job would be waiting for him when he was ready to return.

I’m not being specific about haulage companies mate…
Or that of family bereavements or emergencies…
Just that when push comes to shove, a business will generally do what’s best for it, irrespective of what’s right, legal or just!

When push comes to shove businesses have to make money or it goes under and their employees are out of work, but businesses, however large, are run by people, and really it depends on the ethics of the people running it on how they conduct themselves.
And also treating your staff properly is good business practice.
Richard Branson is quoted as saying “If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple.”

I see the HGV community is also ruining the reputation of a completely innocent company. which is the one in question here.

Think before leaving stupid fake reviews on Facebook and Google. You could be causing real damage to people who have done nothing wrong.

So make sure you have the right firm, this one! … 3346b1b5,1,

It ain’t good enough Rikki. They shouldn’t be making a contribution to bring him home, they should just be bringing him home.

I agree but unsure how that equates to your statement about “All you have to do is look at TruckNet’s Commander-in-Chief’s response to this.”

My response was as stated earlier in this thread why your equating my response to the way it appears the company has acted is truly beyond me. … =3&theater


When push comes to shove businesses have to make money or it goes under and their employees are out of work, but businesses, however large, are run by people, and really it depends on the ethics of the people running it on how they conduct themselves.
And also treating your staff properly is good business practice.
Richard Branson is quoted as saying “If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple.”

Sorry pal, but I know from bitter personal experience that that’s not true…
I’ve seen first hand one of the world biggest corporate companies cover up a corporate manslaughter case through lies, corruption, intimidation and harassment. You may not believe me, and I would just say to you that you’re lucky to still live in the false security of your naivety! :smiley:

I don’t mean that last bit to sound patronising mate, as I wish I was still naive… :cry: