Gay pride and the Rainbow Truck

You’ve misunderstood: I’m taking about those banging on in favour of their pet causes that make me (and I think many others too) go the opposite way.

For example, the “free Palestine” marches, the longer they kept doing it (and on Remembrance Day too!) the less I care about what is going on there; The Alphabet Mafia - I’ve had numerous friends and work colleagues who are part of this group of people, never been a problem, but the more the militants ram it down your throat the more I want to see someone pushing back against it.

I’ll be going to Tesco’s later for shopping, I use their club Card app when I do. Neither of those things have ANYTHING to do with s-exuality, do they? Yet when I open the app, what do I get? A big rainbow ribbon all over the screen, also with that addition of that new white/pink/brown/black and blue thing, which is apparently supposed to mean “intersex”. I’ve come for bread and milk, not to have some virtue-signalling big business telling me what I should be thinking.

If it weren’t for the fact that Farage was the underlying cause behind the moronic idea for us to leave the biggest economy in the world, I could have voted for him just for his views on reining in the Alphabet Mafia.

Way I see it with the ‘alphabet mafia’ (to coin zac’s very apt phrase😃) is that people, (like me for example) are tolerant of lgbtxyz people, tolerant in the context of not caring one way or another about them.
I aint gonna pretend, at the risk of being called some kind of ‘phobe’ :roll_eyes: (the first obligatory line of attack by the PC if you dare not to share their views on any controversial subject :roll_eyes:) . that what gay guys do to each other kinda turns my stomach, but that is exactly what makes me straight, so no apologies whatsoever for that view, I cant help it.
But at the end of the day I am tolerant towards it because…
(a) I am not arrogant enough to think I have a right to ‘judge’ anybody.
(b) It is irrelavant to my own life what they do, so I basically could not gaf…live and let live.

What I am not prepared to do is actually ‘SUPPORT’ it, mainly for the reasons above…it is offensive in varying degrees to different people,.therefore counter productive.
So basically stop shoving it in my face with rallies,.demonstrations, and advertising campaigns.
I aint one to get ‘offended’ on …anything really, (never clutched any pearls once Frangers :smile:) but with all this constant cack chucked at me at every opportunity, I’m presently working on it.:smiley:

I can’t claim ownership of the phrase “Alphabet Mafia”, I saw it used by someone else and thought it was appropriate, not least of all because everytime this subject cropped up there was yet another addition to it!

Any abbreviation should be limited to three letters or numbers eg IFS, MI5, CID, unless you can make it an acronym, then as long as it is pronounceable you can knock yourself out, eg ASLEF, UNICEF, or the very contrived CAPTCHA

But meaningless strings of letters and symbols (I think we’re up to seven letters and one symbol right now) are, and I keep this word for special and rare occasions, just plain stupid.

EDIT: I think both CAPTCHA and SUSIES are “backronyms”, where a meaning is retrospectively applied in order to give some legitimacy to it.
CAPTCHA allegedly means: “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.”
SUSIES, as I think was discussed on the older TN, has been claimed to stand for: “SUSpended Insulated Electical Systems”, but that falls down as it doesn’t cover the air connectors. :roll_eyes:

I recall a “debate” on TN a long time ago about whether it should be spelled SUSIES or SUZIES :joy:

Something we agree on…at last.:joy:

That might lead to sussies and lingerie.

Back on topic, I wouldn’t volunteer to drive a pink or rainbow truck, but I wouldn’t refuse either.
I really do not care.

And all the discussion on the subject? I listen to some of it, and ignore the rest of it.
I don’t much care either way.

Do I have to remind you about your blood pressure AGAIN Frangers.:wink::joy:

(Sussies and lingerie btw)

And we’ve gone from fifth wheel couplings back to Baroness Bra as smooth as some of her silk underwear undoubtedly is :smile:

Perhaps it should be spelt: SUSEAS then we can squeeze in the air lines:
SUSpended Individual Electical & Air Systems?
Now it just needs its own flag and its off

This talk of suspenders and lingerie, reminds me of a whats app my lovely Mrs sent me while we were away on a weekend.

I was in the hotel bar with a group of local lads watching a game, she had gone back to the room, and she sent me this…much to the amusement of the guys I was sat with.:grinning:

Class :joy:


I would refuse, on the same grounds I would refuse to drive any vehicle making any overt political statement that I cannot personally subscribe to. And I’d be quoting, in writing, Article 9 of the Human Rights Act

I would not either.
I would not be so eloquent in quotations as to reasons why though, it would suffice with 2 words 2 syllables.

My version works better where the employer hands out Disciplinary Hearings like they’re going out of fashion

Ok fair enough…but you are evidently more tactful, more respectful of authority and more tolerant of b/s than I am.:wink:
Cant knock you for it either btw, it’s just that I aint.

Not really, it’s just that life has taught me it’s easier to beat someone if you know the rules, and more importantly know how to quote them to your advantage, rather than just going toe-to-toe to some phallus who feeds on confrontation and doesn’t even know how to back down.

I used to work for a guy who thought nothing of risking peoples safety and basically bullying them into compliance, he loved confrontation, really fed on getting nose-to-nose reactions, it made his day. Except when his opponent knew the law, and quoted it to him, then he sulked :joy:

I told him where to stick his job (politely, and in writing) when he tried to blame me for a broken down vehicle. In reality he was bellowing down the phone “You’ve effed my new engine”. Which was not a new engine, it was merely a shoddy engine “rebuild” by some cut-price, back-street, no-name garage, located 130 miles away from our yard!

I was summoned by letter to attend a disciplinary hearing, despite having given my notice in writing after being suspended on full pay. He wanted to force me to work eight weeks notice and to attend the hearing.

“Or else what? You’ll sack me? Your threats only work on people who are too afraid to leave, and you’ve had my resignation delivered by recorded delivery.” I replied to one of his emails :joy:

Another of the management tried applying pressure more subtly, claiming it would harm my future employment prospects :joy: “What? More so than listing this place as a former employer?” :crazy_face:

I got some free legal advice from an employment solicitor (link below in case anyone else ever needs sound advice). I hadn’t realised that all the dirt I had on them from my many years of putting up with dodgy behaviour, was worth it’s weight in gold when written into a statement supplied in lieu of my attendance at the hearing. I swiftly received everything I was due, without further contact, and never looked back.

A year later the company went bust, not because I was invaluable to them, but because their attitude to safety caused a worker to lose their life. They were fined £2.3 million in crown court, but it will never be paid because they went bust first so even the judge said it was really just a message to other employers who are found to be reckless with worker safety. did nothing to help the guy’s wife and kids though…

Ok good on you for that particular case, like I said I was not knocking you

That type of arse wipe boss thrives on the timid and the yes man, both of which are in abundance in this job, and neither of which which you have proven to be.

I deal with similar type cases in life in a way depending on the attitude of those dealing with the case, and how they come across.
Way I see it if the guy comes across as fair, and even if I am in the wrong I will be Mr Humble and take what is dished out.

If I feel I am being treated unfairly in a way you point out, and the guy has a stinking attitude like your example, I tend to fight fire with fire and be as big a ■■■■ to them as they are to me, and stand my ground displaying I will not be treated in such a way.
If it escalates…so be it.
Not trying to come across as Mr Tough guy here either,… cos trust me I aint, I just have a zero tolerance towards d/heads, which in many cases unfortunately has not done me many favours in the past, but I have mellowed a bit with age.:smiley:

Now whether your way of going through legal and proper channels is the better way, (and tbf maybe it is) is open to debate, but I get equal satisfaction dealing with it in my own way if I’m honest, and also found it to work in the past.

Horses for courses, as they say. In my youth I was as radgy as the next gadgy (especially with the addition of a couple of bottles of Broon :open_mouth: ), but that got a bit too much out of hand at one point, so now I try to be more calculating when it comes to dealing with eejits