Gay pride and the Rainbow Truck

And still it goes on.
I’m sat on Sky News channel waiting for football press conference to come on.

There is actually a 2 minute advert PROMOTING all this lgbtqxyz stuff…
‘We believe in better’,…they call it, using all the plural pronouns for a singular person.

I could not gaf what you/they believe in, but why do you feel the need to inform me while I’m sat in my front room ffs.:roll_eyes::flushed:
Starting to do my head in now all this stuff.
Watched a programme with Adam Lambert, the new Queen front man, basically listing artists only because they are gay.
Who cares who they shag or co.habit with, it’s an irrelevance,.surely the music they make is what they should be focusing on.
In a society now which is rightly more tolerant to 5exuality etc, I can only see this, of what is essentially promotion of it, actually backfiring and annoying those otherwise tolerant people, to the point of progress all setting back 10 years.