Gall Bladder

How’s all keeping.
Have to say it’s been a [zb] miracle for me.

:smiley: :smiley: yep me to mate full op 5 weeks of back at work 12 months now never felt better apart from the 2 stone i put back on all the best lads …rod

Had my gall bladder removed recently and after 3 days I was ok apart from a little bit of ‘pulling’ where the skin was healing

After one week I forgot I had the surgery

If an infection gets in then it can be months before being right which is what happened to my daughter about 3 years ago

Its not the same for everybody

PS - I was kept in overnight as I had to have a drain inserted for 12 hours

I had my gall bladder removed about 12 years ago, while I worked at Wisharts.

The double barrelled belly button was a surprise when I came round after the op.
I was at home one weekend when my gall bladder flared up. I’d had the scans and all that, I was waiting for an appointment to see the consultant to discuss the op’ and everything.
So I drove myself into hospital before the flare-up pain got too bad to drive with, expecting some morphine, kept in overnight n sent home again, same as had happened the last twice it’d flared.
Instead they gave me morphine and transferred to the other hospital where the op’ was going to be done.
I spoke to the consultant and had the op’ on Tuesday. Was home by the next weekend, had two weeks off I think and then back to work (avoiding any strenuous stuff for a while).

The only side effect I’ve had is, greasy foods give me the trots, within about an hour. Once it’s passed through my guts, they return to normal.
There’s no hanging on after that hour, find some facilities within the hour or else :blush: :blush:
I just avoid greasy food now. I have been caught a few times, eating something greasier than it looked. There is enough warning for me to find facilities.
A side effect of this side effect is, I can rarely trust a ■■■■ :grimacing:
Yeh I know, TMI :laughing:

Oh, and the pain from a gall bladder flare up?
ZB me, in fact no don’t, it hurts so much that that didn’t even enter my mind :open_mouth:

The only side effect I’ve had is, greasy foods give me the trots

My wife had her gall bladder out about 20 yrs ago, now she cannot eat anything greasy, nothing starchy, no bread but toast ok, no cream, no butter and cannot digest meat very well so has given it up, basically anything that is hard to break down she cannot eat.

Gosh, what’s all this about gall bladder problems, etc? Is it common and how and why does it start??

Not sure I would like 2 belly buttons :astonished:

Gosh, what’s all this about gall bladder problems, etc? Is it common and how and why does it start??

Not sure I would like 2 belly buttons :astonished:

Your gall bladder is part of your bile duct. Bile helps break down fats for digestion.
Bile is kept in your gall bladder until you eat something fatty, then your gall bladder contracts and shoots a quantity of bile into your stomach.
Some people develop gall stones, which are balls of cholesterol globules all stuck together.
I expect most peoples cholesterol globules just go straight through, but sometimes they stick together and become a problem.
When they do keyhole surgery they make two incisions, one for the actual keyhole surgery, one to inflate your belly so they’ve got a bit of ‘elbow room’.
The inflater hole is usually in your belly button apparently.

My gall bladder went into spasm 3 times. Several months between each episode.
The first time was just after Christmas, I thought I’d just made a bit of a pig of myself initially. Then I thought it was trapped wind, as if a good burp would relieve the discomfort. But the ‘pressure’ just kept building higher and higher. By the time I realised this was a bit more than a bit of trapped wind from pigging out, it was getting late. My wife got the NHS24 doctor to come out. He diagnosed an ulcer, gave me some pills to take there and then, which stopped the pain in a few minutes. I also got a couple more pills to tide me over and had to go n see my gp for a script.

The second time I was parked up at Carnforth Truckstop, on my way homewards from Spain. I felt the same kind of ‘pressure’ starting to build up, so took a couple of extra pills (this had worked a couple of times previously) but the pressure continued to build. So I went over to reception and got an ambulance out, who took me into Lancaster General. By the time we got to hospital I was in agony. The doc in A&E diagnosed gall stones, not an ulcer, gave me some morphine, kept me in overnight and I was sent on my way the next day. That morphine is magical stuff :sunglasses:

The third time I was at home. I’d had scans, gall stones was confirmed and I was waiting to see the specialist to arrange surgery.
Again I recognised that particular feeling of building pressure, so drove myself into my local A&E in Kirkcaldy. By the time I was seen the pain was getting really bad. They gave me morphine again :smiley:
The next thing I remember was being in Dunfermlines Hospital and was going to be operated on that week.
I didn’t get any information about possible side effects or anything else about it. Just a run down of what the op’ entailed. I expect if I’d gone through the usual channels, all the other stuff would’ve been talked about. The timing of this spasm just shorted the system, so while I was in their hands they whipped it out.
Two or three weeks later I was back at work.

I can eat almost anything, even a chip butty, provided they aren’t greasy chips. I have haggis and chips from our local chippy occasionally, with no problems.
Just every now and then I’ll forget, or it’ll be something that doesn’t appear to be that greasy.
Then, roughly an hour later, I get the danger signals. Find some facilities asap or there’s gonna be trouble :imp: :imp:

Been having niggling pains since Xmas must go n see the doc all I need is another time off sick from work as I I just got back to work in October from kidney stones witch knocked me about for near on 6mths
Started off with ecoli as the stone’s had blocked up one on my kidney I ended up in a right crap state had a CT scan and the stone that blocked my tube up was 12mm in size :open_mouth:
Still off up the Doc’s Tuesday !