fuel protests


north surrey haulage:
The goverment says they cannot charge foreign vehicles for somthing we dont get charged for.

…But they CAN charge British vehicles for something foreign vehicles don’t get charged for [Road fund licence].■■?

Cant understand, no do have my suspicions why they have’nt sorted the brit dics, it could be done easliy, scrap LGV road fund licence and we all buy a brit dics, we could allways buy a yearly brit dics which might cost about the same if not the same as 1 years road fund licence, and those foreign johnies could buy them in the duration of road use they require, although the shorter period the higher the admin charge. Why it has’nt happened, UK PLC dont want it, east Euro transport keeps their costs down, and they have more swing with whitehall than us :wink: regardless of fuel protest. :wink:

Gordon Brown is blaming the Chinese and OPEC for the fuel crisis. He said they, OPEC had failed to meet the demand of the Chinese for oil.

That is probably so that the Chinese can keep manufacturing Bras and Knickers for a grain of rice, so the Stores here can make huge profits :open_mouth:

Mandelson probably signed next years qupta agreement on the strength of getting a couple of gay boys to model the clothes for him :stuck_out_tongue:

Who voted this lying cheating corrupt government back in?

Wheel Nut:
Who voted this lying cheating corrupt government back in?

Apparently noone :confused: :confused: :confused:

I supported the last fuel protest and in principle ( at least) I support this one.

But after the last protest,we have now lost the element of surprise,which will
severely marginalise any proposed action.

We need a change of tactics. I fully support the idea of downing tools,but
everyone is scared of losing customers/ work to the competition.

Having said that , I fail to see how businesses are going to continue to trade

A) Fuel Tax is reduced, or

B) A MUCH tougher stance is taken in passing the costs over to the customer
& consumer.

The Government would like you all to choose option B. They have made this
quite plain in the past. In their view ’ THE POLLUTER MUST PAY’ The fact that
the ‘polluter’ has to pass those costs on,is beyond the mental capacity of most,
if not all Labour politicians.

I have a question, How many of your customers supported you during the last
fuel protest, yet how many expect road transport to subsidise them?

Big businesses have had their inefficiencies subsidised by hauliers for a long
time. Those days are coming to an end. If the people of this country are worried
by a little fuel protest, they should be thinking what will happen,when the food stops coming!

"Danneke If every haulage boss closed their yards for 2 weeks, ( holiday for everyone) parked the waggons up for that time it would make a big statement to the government.

This already happens effectively in France, it is called congé, annual holidays when instead of covering for absent drivers many hauliers park half the fleet up. The system is adapted to allow for it, which is what would happen in Britain after the first confusion.

When France for instance have a problem its all out till it is resolved in their favour.:

I’m tired of answering this fallacy. A few small hauliers used to authorise drivers to blockade strategic points thereby preventing everybody else from moving, giving the illusion of massive solidarity. Can’t see this happening again though since the government started getting tough a few years ago.

Salut, David.

i suppose we will see the poor farmers out again protesting.Unable to change the range rover this year because of the fuel increases.

I agree totally with the fuel strikes, it is crazy the amount of tax we pay on fuel, but please don’t mock the farmers! How convenient was it when the last strike was blamed on the farmers and then hey ho along came foot & mouth!!! This caused a massive effect on UK farming and many farmers have never recovered, yes there are a lot of rich farmers but have you ever thought that this is because they spend most of their woken hours working■■? Support the farmers, they work hard too.

timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/ … 31,00.html

Just been browsing and found this.Did’nt know they where planning on protesting at Dover.

wel, it said on the radio that oil had dropped $5 a barrel so who’s telling fibs?

The governemnt are going to use some new law that Phoney bliar changed a year or 2 ago to arrest drivers and also to take their O licences off them.

The question i qould like answered is that if they remove 2000 O licences this week how badly will that affect the movement of goods in the U.K. ■■.

Could the country manage quite easily with 2000 less lorries on the roads next week?.