From Eimskip thread

It doesnt really matter what I think, the fact remains that if we allow a rumour that we cannot prove is true at the time of the posting to be published, then we could be liable if the person/organisation that the rumour is about decides they have suffered hurt or damage beacuse of it being published on othis website . It doesnt matter if we refute that rumour totally, the rumour still has been published.

As the law stands currently it is not for them to show the rumour has no truth, they only have to show that they have been hurt or damaged in some way. Our only real defence in court is to show the rumour is true. or to remove it from the website within a reasonable amount of time. It doesnt matter at all if in a few weeks/months the rumour is found to have substance.

Do I think the law is an ■■■ as far as forums go… yes personally I do. The law is trying to fit a set of rules that apply to journalists who are bound to research and post facts before publication to internet on-line discussions by individuals who probably dont have as good understanding on media laws. this is totally unrealistic but unfortunatly until the law is defined more via case law this is the situation we are in.

Your post was removed from that thread as it was off topic to the post, it is on topic in here and still remains. :wink:

When you’ve quite finished your blustering and finger-wagging :unamused: you might like to take a step back and look at the your own AUP :

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of TruckNet or any entity associated with TruckNet or the Truck Net Drivers RoundTable. The individual member remains solely responsible for the content of their messages, and as a potential poster, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless TruckNet, and their agents and employee’s with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s)

Why are you bothered what the members post when the AUP clears you, as the company, of any blame anyway? ie. WTF has it got to do with you??

I think you’re just on a power trip and are throwing your weight about just because you can, frankly. You’ve never batted an eyelid when anyone’s posted “rumour” before so it’s yet another case of one rule for one. :unamused:

Who cares anyway; Innov@te =

End of.

The clause is a fairly standard one used by most forums, It doesnt stop us getting sued, it simply warns the users of the website that if we do get sued because of something they post we reserve the right to go after them for the costs we have incured.

We have removed content in the past due to legal proceeding being started against us.

As for being on a power trip, I have stated very clearly that I think the law in this situation is an ■■■. But until the law is defined more by case law we dont have much of a choice but to try not to be the test case.

I dont like it, you dont like it - for once we agree :wink: