Fridges running in lorry parks!

Then again, you are in the USA Pat, where the words ‘Night heater’ are a foreign language, and everyone idles all night.
But then again, if you didn’t idle, you’d hear how loud your Aircon is :wink:

I just stared new job with fridge and I do need park over night with fridge on. I understand that its noisy but I have right as everyone else to park. If there would be option somewhere else to park for fridge lorries I would. Had in a past one moaning, asking to turn it down (which I don’t think its even an option as part of its freezer). I try to park at one end of lorries but in small service areas that not much of help or option.

Don’t mind fridges running tbh just coz I’m trying to get shut eye doesn’t mean the driver next to me has got to move or turn it off.

I avoid parking up anywhere,but sometimes it just happens.
So last Friday up to Leyland i stopped 50 min at East-Mid airport by-Pass. (J23A-J24) but pulled for to the Exit,and on the Way back was Fridge off anywhy when i popped in just South of j17 wotever the Name there is.

For gods sake guys grow a pair, fridge transport is part of road haulage, would you turn off the fridge at home and get food poisoning from Botulism and subsequent kidney and organ failure .
A fridge running by me blocks out traffic noise and Muppets running engines for half an hour and having conversations shouting loudly at 3 am.
If the Msa or truckstop is full they have no choice where to park .

fridges running well ive mellowed a bit over the years …it is what it is BUT what really gets me PD is the that dump their screaming trailer among the rows of parked wagons :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: and unhooks and kfs off to park the unit the other side o the park. and as Pat says the trucks run all night over here …id rather be next to a fridge than an old freightshaker idling away blowing air off every 30secs because they are to cheap to change the airdrier cartridge/washer on compressor or have the need to run straight pipes on high revs gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr. another beer nurse!!

No problem Martin just get out of bed and switch the bloody thing off, open the back doors and make sure the [zb] thing gets refused then the ignorant fatherless person might realise he,s done something to upset other drivers.

But it might not get refused as long as its cold enough by the time it gets there and it might be your missus who ends up buying what he was carrying.

Had a row once with a bloke (who made more noise than the fridge!!) as he went for me as soon as I pulled up…didn’t give me chance to turn the thing off.

He’s have woken up to find his pin pulled. And no doubt he would be one of those who didn’t do a daily check so he would find his trailer nose on the floor and the suzies ripped off.

I started this thread 12 years ago, I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw it re-appear :open_mouth:

In my opinion the foreigners are the worst offenders, I must have a glowing neon sign that says fridges please park next to me [emoji12]

I once had a foreign fridge park next to me & he had it in full revs permanently I told him to read the signs that fridges must be turned off by 2200 but he ignored me & the signs so when my rest was over about 2-230 am I started banging on his door when he finally opened his curtain/window I said " did I wake you up ■■? " what a shame your fridge has had me awake all night

Wheel Nut:
The only time you will hear a fridge is when it stops! I drove a tanker with a generator and an automatic thermocouple. same principle except when temperature drops it fires up the heating system. If a fridge or a generator is set up properly and the insulation is sound, it should only start a couple of times during the night. OK if you have icecream on at -25 then it will run all night.

its the warning buzzer wakes me up, not the engine!

The ■■■■■■■ buzzer! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVRUMMMMMMMM. Did some work for a chilled distributor, standing in the yard having a chat and a bloody thing would come on every 5 minutes.

Much better on continuous. Just a nice low thrum.

In my opinion the foreigners are the worst offenders, I must have a glowing neon sign that says fridges please park next to me [emoji12]

I once had a foreign fridge park next to me & he had it in full revs permanently I told him to read the signs that fridges must be turned off by 2200 but he ignored me & the signs so when my rest was over about 2-230 am I started banging on his door when he finally opened his curtain/window I said " did I wake you up ■■? " what a shame your fridge has had me awake all night

I pull a fridge all the time no hassel sleeping when its running.You must be a light sleeper if i have to park near other drivers they say it helps them sleep keeps other noise away ie changeovers and driver swaps.

Rob K:
I don’t pull fridges but don’t have any problem sleeping if one pull up alongside. I find the noise quite relaxing :question: :exclamation: and it shuts out other annoying intermittent noises; it’s a constant. I find the same goes with the night heater on my FH. It certainly isn’t the quietest when it’s on full tilt but it’s a constant. What cheeses me off is drivers who insist on shouting at each other (meant to be talking) outside one’s motor (always the one next to your own) until midnight discussing how many days they were waiting to tip at Argos or whatever, completely oblivious to the fact that some of us are trying to sleep and have to be away at 5am etc. The other one is drivers starting their wagons (no problem with that nor the ticking over engine noise) and insist on revving the [zb] off them for half an hour for no apparent reason. In fact, had one do that Friday morning in the truck park at Paisley which I got so peed off with I wound the window down and shouted at him, “either switch off or [zb] off” :exclamation: . He pulled a face but got the message and set off :smiling_imp:

Very good post☺