Well, nipping back in here just now after some time away, I saw this thread and thought - ‘here’s one for me’.
Then I read on and it’s all been said, about the routiers and French drivers’ habits. Can’t add anything really so what else was there? Oh yes, andouilettes.
It is the only thing that I would not choose to eat. However, I do love the diminishing number of routiers that serve only one menu, no choice, and so far have not been upset by what I got.
But, one night, a couple of years ago I dragged myself to the top of Volvic running dangerously close to the magic 19H, and saw to my joy a routier on the right with a truck park just up the road on the other side. I duly went in, finished a leisurely kir and joined the others at the table.
No choice, andouillette, my heart sank, but my stomach said ‘man up and press on’ . I did, with trepidation and soon the steaming dish arrived. It looked and smelled disgusting. But I was hungry and pressed on, the first cut went in and the smell got worse. I looked at my fellow diners and they were all digging in with gusto. So I took the first mouthfull. The taste was no better than the smell, the second was little better, but by the third, not being dead, and still being hungry, it didn’t seem so bad. I finished it all and, though I admit it was quite good…I’ll never order it again.
But then I didn’t order it this time, it was forced upon me in a manner of speaking, and I wouldn’t knock it back in similar circumstances. But a choice? Certainly not.
Bon appetit, Marc, et bonnes conversations.
BTW Craig still scanning the white Premiums but so far still ‘long time no see’.
Also, did you know that Chez Jo’s is no more? I’ll post it in the routier thread if no-one else has.