Forgot the handbrake


I once forgot my sandwiches and flask. I was on agency then though

Have a look at the picture again and your see a suzie stretched from Unit to trailer - suggesting a roll off!!

I think I too am missing something■■? Can only see a slightly (if at all) stretched airline laying on battery cover■■? Can’t see any fully stretched suzie’s at all■■? Neither does trailer appear to be on it’s knees■■? Or am I being thick??

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

I take it that is why the barriers are there so no one can clothes line themselves on it.

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

Blimey…well spotted…I need to go to specsavers…you could hang your washing out on that!!!
Not many coils left in that airline■■?

I once dropped a massive bol lock in a hire truck. 26t DAF with one of those stupid taillifts that doubles as your back door, so a nightmare to get on a bay, especially a bay designed for 7.5s

Air leak on the seat which drained the tanks pretty quick. So I jumps in it to bugger off, one morning, release the brake, but it ain’t going anywhere. Leave her running to build up the air, so to kill some time, I thought I’d go put the taillift up.

Air starts to build up, and just as I’m about to raise the lift, back she rolls (bay is sloped)

Thank God the steering was straight, shot straight back into the bay, taillift shooting onto the bay, hits the buffers, luckily nobody was there, so a) they couldn’t get hurt, and b) they couldn’t rip me to bits.

Never left a brake off since. Oops

Why does it have to be an agency driver, could have been either a newbie and or similarly enough an experience driver thats just rushing, missed it, thought he’d done it or simply forgot…long day and wanting that first pint… and all that …
Anyway everyone is prone to make mistakes in life, that’s what makes us all human

It wasn’t intended as an agency bashing thread, it’s just that I think it was an agency driver. But (as I said in my first post), it might not have been.

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

Doesn’t look like anything other than the airline is damaged though. Surely you’d just back up a bit, uncouple the line from the trailer, replace the airline and go on your way?

Oh and on the agency driver debate, I spent three years on agency, and some of the best drivers I ever met were agency drivers. Unlike many of the blokes employed with the big logistics co’s with their puffed out chests and ‘Im superior than you attitude’, most of my experience of agency was going round picking up the pieces from these blokes, who’s favourite phrase was ‘Im not doing that’, and then wonder why agencies are used. They are used because they offer flexibility. Agency drivers make mistakes, everyone does. But any agency driver who makes one big mistake, and sometimes small ones, wont be used by that company again, unlike the employed lads, who can go on making them.

Agency drivers are just drivers like all of us, ones who currently work for an agency.

Well said!

I spent years working for an agency. I’ve met plenty of good drivers who happen to work for agencies, and plenty of arses who have unaccountably been given full time jobs. This wasn’t intended as an agency bashing thread.

Rhythm Thief:

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

Doesn’t look like anything other than the airline is damaged though. Surely you’d just back up a bit, uncouple the line from the trailer, replace the airline and go on your way?

Problem is this has happened in a warehouse environment with the attendant risk of injury etc to other workers. As such it has to be reported as a “near miss” incident with investigation etc as appropriate.

Makes you wonder what’s to investigate. He forgot to uncouple his airline, he pulled off the trailer. There, investigation concluded. :slight_smile:

On my first day driving an artic I was looking for a place in an industrial estate and couldn’t find it so I decided to go and ask someone where it was. I pulled in outside a place, grabbed my paperwork and walked in.
When I came back out the lorry was gone and when I looked down the road there it was 50 odd yards away resting against the front of an empty flatbed trailer. I’d obviously forgotten to put the handbrake on.
Luckily there was no damage to either trailer so I just drove on and hoped that no one had seen what happened. I’m extremely paranoid about the handbrake now sometimes I’ll go back and check it again if I’m not 100% sure I’ve put it on.

Rhythm Thief:

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

Doesn’t look like anything other than the airline is damaged though. Surely you’d just back up a bit, uncouple the line from the trailer, replace the airline and go on your way?

Isn’t the airline lying on the catwalk missing the connection off the end, suggesting it might be still attached to the trailer?

Got to admit at first glance I never saw the taught airline, but it looked like it’d snapped the Suzie’s as the unit had rolled away to me.

I once forgot the wifes birthday !! :astonished:

i would rather it was a handbrake as i would of been in alot less trouble :smiley:

We have handbrake alarms on our motors… if you open either door without the handbrake on, prepare to be deafened…

Why is this not standard ■■?

Also it’s a sackable offence to drop a trailer without it’s handbrake on our sites…

Rhythm Thief:
I spent years working for an agency. I’ve met plenty of good drivers who happen to work for agencies, and plenty of arses who have unaccountably been given full time jobs. This wasn’t intended as an agency bashing thread.

In my experience, those getting a full time job are the same mentality as the rest of the other lazy gits, due to a very biased selection process. The last thing the “full timers” want, is someone new coming in and doing the job quicker and better.Thankfully I’m done with all that nonsense.

Rhythm Thief:
Makes you wonder what’s to investigate. He forgot to uncouple his airline, he pulled off the trailer. There, investigation concluded. :slight_smile:

But why did he forget to do this? Was he distracted? Is there something the company can reasonably do to prevent this from happening again? That’s the sort of thing they are required to investigate.


Rhythm Thief:

Horizontal line from front of trailer to to the unit. It’s so taut it’s hard to see.

Doesn’t look like anything other than the airline is damaged though. Surely you’d just back up a bit, uncouple the line from the trailer, replace the airline and go on your way?

Isn’t the airline lying on the catwalk missing the connection off the end, suggesting it might be still attached to the trailer?

Got to admit at first glance I never saw the taught airline, but it looked like it’d snapped the Suzie’s as the unit had rolled away to me.

OK, here’s my theory, for what it’s worth: There are no slopes so nothing has rolled away anywhere; the trailer’s empty so probably wasn’t being pulling out; the unit has been there a while, long enough for barriers to be put up; SO, the connection’s stuck and the driver has tried to extract it using tension! Tahdah.

He’s done exactly what I did at one of our depots one night, if you ask me … dropped his trailer, undone all the lines but one and pulled out. I went far enough to snap the line and had to nick one off the yard shunter. No messing about with inquiries or investigations, just ten minutes with a couple of adjustable spanners. I can even tell you why I did it: because I’m human. :slight_smile:



Saw this last night:

Believe it or not it wasn’t an agency driver!

Where was this ? ( looks like a K+N Drinks Logistics Depot ), and what`s the story ?.

K & N Hams hall.

Sorry to be thick, but what’s the problem here? Trailer on the right still has curtains open so I’m thinking its not ready to go anyway…?

Look closer at the picture, can you see the air line still attached to the trailer? its the long black line that runs across the middle of the picture, looks like a tightrope. The driver dropped trailer but got talking to a manager and forgot to disconnect lines, until…