
is there a limit on how large a post can be?
Maybe over long posts are ‘forbidden’

I’ve had a quick look at the settings , there appears to be a limit of 6000 characters per post !

Winseer, was your post more than 6000 characters ?

Let us all remember swearing/foul language is merely a crutch for a crippled tongue.


Could some kind moderator PLEASE inform me what keywords NOT to use when writing posts…

I’m getting quite cheesed off with typing a few paragraphs, then losing the lot when I hit “send” and it comes up with “Forbidden”.

I realise I’ve probably used an “inappropriate word” somewhere - but which?

This involves no derogatory remarks, swearwords, etc. The common link is that all the posts affected have something to do with finance/wages/accountancy etc.

Where the hell am I going wrong? :frowning:

I’ve had the same thing happen to me in the past while writing diaries on here, and I couldn’t work out the offending word either and kept trying to post and got blocked completely from the site until I changed my IP address. In my case I managed to narrow it down to one word and oddly enough that was was a building or establishment used by ladies of the night that begins with the letter B. I had only used to word to describe the scene in a town in Nevada where it was all legal but this website wouldn’t let me use the word.


Could some kind moderator PLEASE inform me what keywords NOT to use when writing posts…

I’m getting quite cheesed off with typing a few paragraphs, then losing the lot when I hit “send” and it comes up with “Forbidden”.

I realise I’ve probably used an “inappropriate word” somewhere - but which?

This involves no derogatory remarks, swearwords, etc. The common link is that all the posts affected have something to do with finance/wages/accountancy etc.

Where the hell am I going wrong? :frowning:

I’ve had the same thing happen to me in the past while writing diaries on here, and I couldn’t work out the offending word either and kept trying to post and got blocked completely from the site until I changed my IP address. In my case I managed to narrow it down to one word and oddly enough that was was a building or establishment used by ladies of the night that begins with the letter B. I had only used to word to describe the scene in a town in Nevada where it was all legal but this website wouldn’t let me use the word.

Brothel ?

Denis F:


Could some kind moderator PLEASE inform me what keywords NOT to use when writing posts…

I’m getting quite cheesed off with typing a few paragraphs, then losing the lot when I hit “send” and it comes up with “Forbidden”.

I realise I’ve probably used an “inappropriate word” somewhere - but which?

This involves no derogatory remarks, swearwords, etc. The common link is that all the posts affected have something to do with finance/wages/accountancy etc.

Where the hell am I going wrong? :frowning:

I’ve had the same thing happen to me in the past while writing diaries on here, and I couldn’t work out the offending word either and kept trying to post and got blocked completely from the site until I changed my IP address. In my case I managed to narrow it down to one word and oddly enough that was was a building or establishment used by ladies of the night that begins with the letter B. I had only used to word to describe the scene in a town in Nevada where it was all legal but this website wouldn’t let me use the word.

Brothel ?

It must be your internet provider blocking that one :confused:

Denis F:
Brothel ?

Yep, that was the word. I can type it on here now and it works fine but last year it didn’t and I had the same issues Winseer describes. I had thought it was due to the very long nature of the post at first but having tried shortening it, removing bits at a time etc the only thing that allowed me to post was the removal of the word “Brothel”!!

As I said, after so many attempts at reposting the post on trucknet, my IP address got banned and I had to renew it to access this site at all. All very odd.


Denis F:
Brothel ?

Yep, that was the word. I can type it on here now and it works fine but last year it didn’t and I had the same issues Winseer describes. I had thought it was due to the very long nature of the post at first but having tried shortening it, removing bits at a time etc the only thing that allowed me to post was the removal of the word “Brothel”!!

As I said, after so many attempts at reposting the post on trucknet, my IP address got banned and I had to renew it to access this site at all. All very odd.

Very odd as the only IP addresses that get banned are spammers and " brothel" has never been a banned word !

Do you know the IP address that got banned ?

Denis F:
Do you know the IP address that got banned ?

Sorry, I don’t. I only realised it was that when the only way I could log on to trucknet was to use my dongle or another wifi connection. Then I simply went in to my router and did whatever it was you do to change the IP and then it worked fine immediately after that.

I have to admit to occasionally likening management to “couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse” where sometimes “whorehouse” would be substituted for “brothel” or “boudoir” or “bawdy bar”…

I notice on basic internet searches like Yahoo and other big american ones - if you type the same search a few times, it’ll throw up “cannot comply” or something similar - their version of “forbidden” perhaps…?

£££’s or $$$'s doesn’t seem to get blocked by the anti-spamming parsar either. Most strange. :confused:

Baghouse? Nope, not that.

Balldraining boudoir? Not that either. Looks like we’re good to go chaps! :smiley:

Den of iniquity.

Not sure who Den is or where iniquity is. :confused:

Well Den is dirty Den and iniquity is Albert Square