For the Trainers.. Gears to Slow etc


Its all moot though if your company has decided to lock out the manual overrides on these semi automated gearboxes we have now. Our lot have done that to our Scanias, once you above 25-30mph the computer will not respond to input from the driver. You are at the mercy of it and its whims. Couple this with all this eco crap they are shoving on trucks now as well as “just good enough” engines its no wonder that drivers just stick it in D and leave it. Last week, 10 ton on heading to NHS Runcorn. Going up Windy Hill from Huddersfield is infuriating. The computer will desperately try and hold onto the highest gear, the revs fall out of the green and you lose all momentum. A Euro 6, 450hp Scania with only 10t of tampons and I’m chugging up the hill.

Well written letter to the management stating and explaining all the safety concerns and increased likelyhood of accident due to the vehicle not having correct reasonable functions, get others to co-sign the letter if they want to, wait and see.
We did exactly that at my depot a few years back, within weeks the whole fleet of affected vehicles had been retrofitted with dump valves that should have been on from day one.
Once its in writing they are on notice that an accident is possible, and they could be held to blame.

Absolutely right Cav, my cynic antenna are raised because this issue was not apparently investigated fully in the Bath tragedy, it should have been and one might wonder why?

We’ve had a few drivers talk to management about it, they were basiclly fobbed off with “thats how they were ordered, we can’t change them” nonsense. They also have another interesting feature, the auto engine shutdown will kick in after 30 seconds. Yes, 30 seconds and the only way to override is to actually start rolling so if you are sitting in traffic you have to be rolling backwards and forwards on and off the clutch to stop the engine from cutting out. Even then, you can go past the point of no return even if you’re rolling it will still die. Had that happen to me a few times, great fun when fully loaded. Spoke to management about it, “we have no plans to change this”. Polish agency complains suddenly the office goes. “We’ll look into getting it changed”.

In writing mate, they can fob you off all they like if you bandy words with them cos all deniable so don’t waste your breath with the likes of them, in writing they can’t deny it if the smelly stuff hits the fan.

30 seconds tickover eh? presumably they vehicles are leased and/or on full maintenance and repair cover, hopefully the turbos will be fitted with wing nuts for quick changes :smiling_imp:

In writing mate, they can fob you off all they like if you bandy words with them cos all deniable so don’t waste your breath with the likes of them, in writing they can’t deny it if the smelly stuff hits the fan.

30 seconds tickover eh? presumably they vehicles are leased and/or on full maintenance and repair cover, hopefully the turbos will be fitted with wing nuts for quick changes :smiling_imp:

There is a meeting with drivers and management in January, its one of the things to be discussed and it will whatever the outcome be accorded in the minutes.

I’m shocked to read about companies that have locked out a number of the features on lorries, I can understand why they do it though and although I understand it, I most certainly do not agree with it.

It’s all about a lack of training. The biggest factor in economical driving is the man behind the wheel, a good driver can be up to 30% better than a bad driver and companies are trying to make every driver achieve the results that a good driver can.

With the way companies are using agency staff to fill the seats, training is not an option. Now how on earth does that make sense? Not only are they paying a percentage to the parasites that are agencies, but they’re also having to adapt their lorries to suit the every Tom, ■■■■ or Harry that turns up to drive them.

If you ask me, the industry has gone mad. Even the drivers that do take pride in doing a good job will be unable to do anything but hold the steering wheel in the future.

Totally with Rog on this.

One thing I’ve never seen mentioned at all in this discussion so far is - if you do not press the brake pedal, then the people travelling behind you will NOT know that you are braking.

NECESSARY, CORRECTLY TIMED and NOT MISLEADING signals. A brake light is a signal to the rear and therefore MUST be used.


It’s no different to teaching learner car drivers.

Yep already mentioned the prebrake to warn others.
Brakes and gears can be used in harmony.

A downshift to ease a bit of speed off or exhaust brake is quite acceptable.

Purely using just brakes to slow all the time is foolish and amateur… :wink:

Purely using just brakes to slow all the time is foolish and amateur… :wink:

With old drum type brakes = I agree
With modern disc brakes = deffo not the way to go
Caveat - in normal driving conditions

My trailer has drum brakes

My trailer has drum brakes

Then you do not want to get those over heated with over use which means employing different methods