TNUKCSI haven’t had wind of this yet
sheet happenz
and i bet they still dont put warning chevrons up and a right bend sign.
Glad you got out ok mate. And fair play for carrying on with the job.
All can be revealed…
Yes, it was me that did it. Pleased to say that I got out with just a few cuts and bruises, but the trailer’s a write-off, and the unit
needs an extensive rebuild. Looks like it’s going to be rebuilt in Poland at the DAF dealer to where it was towed after we got it out of
the ditch. It needs a new cab, engine mountings, exhaust system, diesel tank, etc, but remarkably, all the mirrors and glass are intact!
The accident happened about 02.00hrs, just on the outskirts of Lodz. I’d missed a turning in a diversion route, but after a look at
the map, realized that if I took the next road along I could join up with the road I should have been on.
As you can see from the photo, it’s a long, straight road. There’s absolutely no warning of the right-hand bend. In fact, there’s actually a sign showing a left-turn to the next town, right on the bend.
Unfortunately, the left turn is after the right-turn!
After the left-turn, there’s a level-crossing which is lit, but according to FBN, who have downloaded the SD card from the
SmartCam, it gives the impression that the road is straight, and that you’re heading between two streetlights.
There’s also no warning of the level-crossing either.
Basically, I couldn’t tell that there was a bend in the road ahead, and the SmartCam evidence shows that I wasn’t driving fast, which was also confirmed by the Police that attended.
According to the locals, there were 4 similar incidents last year, so why there are no warning signs or chevrons, I don’t know. Also, the white lines don’t look like they’ve seen any paint for several years.
Within 5minutes of me going down the embankment, 2 guys stopped and helped me climb out. They called the emergency services, and before i’d got to the top of the embankment, an ambulance and 2 fire-engines were at the scene.
Both emergency crews had English-speaking personnel, and were very helpful. I was checked over for damage, offered a ride to the
local hospital if I felt that I needed it - which I didn’t, and they then went inside the cab to get a few necessary items - passport etc. for me.
The Police arrived, did all the usual questions and breathalyzer stuff, and then we waited for the recovery people to arrive.
As the trailer was loaded, the recovery crew reckoned it would not be possible to lift the rig. Fortunately, the local crew that we use in Poland to load and unload trucks were travelling between the 2 gigs we were doing, so they arrived and unloaded all the kit, which was lifted to the roadside by crane. A local haulier was arranged to get the equipment to the next show, and by midday, it was on its way. The show in Katowice still happened - the other 2 tour trucks having continued their journey. All of the equipment, except for 2 PA speakers which had damage to their casings, arrived in perfect condition.
FlyByNite were very supportive, offering to fly me home , but I decided to stay with it, and by 08.00 the following day, they’d got
a replacement truck and trailer to me to continue the tour with.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the management and drivers at FBN who have been very kind with their help and comments,
also to the DAF dealership, who looked after me in Lodz. But most of all, the Polish emergency services, and locals, who came to my rescue. Also, thanks to friends, colleagues, crew-members, tour-managers, band-members, past and present, who have sent their best wishes.
Well apart from the accident actually happening its good news all round. Glad you were ok and that you had good service from a daf dealer… something lacking in the uk! Justs goes to show that despite the job that we do, the misfortunes we suffer, there are always bright points to smooth life.