flamin pikeys

I quite like the idea of becoming a professionel ■■■■■, will save me and the mrs a fortune in council tax, income tax, road tax, vat, insurance, parking fee’s, free fuel, and the list goes on. Where do I get an application form from? Is it difficult to complete? Should I stop washing now? the only thing is me and the mrs are a bit past the breeding stage, would that be against us cos we couldnt have dozens of bratts? (sorry, Pikelets).


Harry Monk:

■■■■■■, ■■■■■, Knackers or Gypsies or what ever you like to call them?

I like calling them “Diddycoys”. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Still, I suppose we shouldn’t. Ethnic group and all that.

Reminds me of when I was New Age Scum and used to trot our horses out down the A21…The gypsies would wind their windows down and shout “[zb]-ing New Agers” at us and we’d holler “[zb]-ing Diddicoys” back… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes i was going to stop there the other night. Was getting late and i thought just make Reading. Drove in and straight out again when i saw them. Wasn’t going to stop there. Had just enough time to make Membury ,only didn’t feel like a meal when i got there. Was looking forward to food at Reading.

Oh ! and they don’t go complaing to any sort of ‘authority’ about any one, they usually sort the beef out themselves . :wink:

Not the one I had a go at the other day…

All because I was jumping up and down on the bonnet of his car :unamused:

Isn’t there some old law like there is in York about shooting Scotsmen about ■■■■■■.

Im sure you are allowed to set fire to them in public if you can prove their mothers maiden name was Smith

This wouldn’t be them, would it?

Gardun, I think you will find that
all of the land where the carvans
are placed does belong to them

I better stay away from York then, dont fancy getting shot…!!!

they are all right when you get to know them.
i knew a gang of them in dublin many years ago,i was often invited to the caravan for some beers.
they were generous as could be with me.
there not all bad,just like ourselves,they have good and bad…and of course the good get stereotyped when something goes missing.

they are all right when you get to know them.
i knew a gang of them in dublin many years ago,i was often invited to the caravan for some beers.
they were generous as could be with me.
there not all bad,just like ourselves,they have good and bad…and of course the good get stereotyped when something goes missing.

Im sure many of them are nice, It wouldnt be half as bad if they didnt leave the huge amounts of rubbish behind that they do. Stoke regularly gets invaded by ■■■■■■, to be honest I dont notice any increase in crime but the sites they leave behind cost thousands to clear and put right, I dont see why taxpayers money should be used on the likes of them, but then again do we have a choice?

I dont undertsand why the authorities at the services cant just tow the vans off the services and onto the main carriageway, It WOULD be the polices problem then!

They steal goods off lorries? The biggest culprits for stealing goods off lorries are actually, erm…lorry drivers !!!

i resent that remark. i have never nicked anything off the back of my wagon or even been tempted to…

get it out the warehouse or the back of someone elses as your less likely to be suspected then? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lucy a new age traveller well i never , now she drives trucks, i used to be cosmopoliton once but im not now