Fitting a military bv (Boiling vessel)

I have come up with a cunning plan and to see if anyone has done this, I am thinking about fitting a BV (boiling vessel) in my daf xf, so I can have brews on the go and do my boil in the bags, any one military will now the bit of kit im on about, I can get of ebay for 30 quid. they are 24v but was just thinking about wiring in and also finding a suitable place to install. I know it would be a lot safer than running my gas stove.and as most sites ban gas cooking I was looking at this as an alterntive. cheers for any help.

Passenger side floor in a plastic box so you can catch drips and condensation…probably not allowed passengers so not in the way.
Just have to keep engine running so batteries dont die !
You will be buying 24hr ration packs next from silvermans to live on, old squadies have habits that are hard to break I think.

44-55 amps it draws hence why they tend to fit them to FFR land rover or tanks/recovery trucks with the uprated batterys

It would probably warm quicker with the engine running but pretty much any truck large enough to be 24v you would be fine to use something rated at 55A certainly off the anderson connector of the OP’s XF.

I must be old, I can only remember Biscuits AB , those biscuits with dead flies in they tried to convince was fruit, Cheese possessed , Spangles and Rolos and Izal grease proof bog paper - all the rest just went into a mess tin in any order over a hexy block , non of your new fangled in cab catering facilities for us :slight_smile:

Ahh Hexy telly. you forgot babies heads though

Cadburys dairy milk has never been in rat packs… It was Duncan’s after Kendal mint then it went to yorkie and now it’s dodgy German stuff. Biscuits AB standing for arse blocker hahah :slight_smile: and I can’t believe people eat corned beef gash Jesus rather eat my arse out with a spork!


The boil in the bag option was a godsend for windups, especially the chocolate pudding for injecting laxative into.The amount of young officers we would have running to the cesspit was brilliant.

We would wait until they were in NBC clothing,and shout a false alarm, ressies on etc, laugh about it now, great days.

you won’t get any moisture in the cab - the BV is a sealed unit like a pressure cooker - they had to be like this as they were mounted inside APC’s and you can’t have boiling water splashing around
I think we were only allowed to run them with the engines running because of the amount of power they took -
But they are an excellent bit of kit - and I don’t remember ever having one go wrong

Chicken carbonara at 0500 - not good :blush: :laughing:

Cadburys dairy milk has never been in rat packs… It was Duncan’s after Kendal mint then it went to yorkie and now it’s dodgy German stuff. Biscuits AB standing for arse blocker hahah :slight_smile: and I can’t believe people eat corned beef gash Jesus rather eat my arse out with a spork!


I beg to differ about the choccy , in the seventies I was eating some late fifties ration packs and they had Cadburys in the tin along with the best boiled sweets ever, and Apple struddel that was heavenly, nearly as good as me old mums .

My mum came over to Cyprus with her friend and we had a evening meal.I said I would cook a desert, it was butterscotch with dumplings, they both loved it.

I have never owned up it was boil in the bag rations :grimacing:

My mum came over to Cyprus with her friend and we had a evening meal.I said I would cook a desert, it was butterscotch with dumplings, they both loved it.

I have never admitted it was boil in the bag rations :grimacing:

Well done Squaddie, quick thinking in the face of the enemy…ooh sorry I thought that said Mother in Law !

Normal HGV battiers will do buy you would need wire it to the poss neg studs or direct to the battiers and a 20amp fuse

3 wheeler:

Cadburys dairy milk has never been in rat packs… It was Duncan’s after Kendal mint then it went to yorkie and now it’s dodgy German stuff. Biscuits AB standing for arse blocker hahah :slight_smile: and I can’t believe people eat corned beef gash Jesus rather eat my arse out with a spork!


I beg to differ about the choccy , in the seventies I was eating some late fifties ration packs and they had Cadburys in the tin along with the best boiled sweets ever, and Apple struddel that was heavenly, nearly as good as me old mums .

Jesus I wasn’t a twinkle in my dads eye then come to think of it he was only a kid too hahaha! :wink: rat pack boiled sweets still the same only thing is a load of green ones!


Normal HGV battiers will do buy you would need wire it to the poss neg studs or direct to the battiers and a 20amp fuse

The one in the ebay link is 55A, so you’ll probably need a 60A fuse. And, as you say, a competent wiring job back to somewhere pretty substantial (Anderson conn / batteries).

55A is not Scotchlock or twisted-together-wires territory. It’s decent crimps (the non-insulated kind, not the yellow/blue/red ones) and 10mm cable.

I think its a trip to the reme workshop for me.luckily i know a good bloke who likes to tinker. Glad to bring back such fond memories of the horror bags lol. They removed the cheese possesed a few years back as the water sitting on top had actualy meant it was of lol. Poor bugger who had to go through every box.unseal remove and reseal.

I’d be interested to know how they wire it up as it looks a bit strange with possibly 3 or 4 wires.