FFS it's just a song

Ok but if realists and right thinking people just ignore all that type of crap, it tends to become the norm.
Then those who have perpetrated it, go on to interpret that, as it being the correct way, and that they are right and we are wrong.
So consequently the minority overshadow and overrule the majority.
As it just about is now in fact ! :flushed:

So keep letting the ■■■■■■■ s know we aint having any of their sh.:smile:

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I just don’t see the point in having a new word that wasn’t there 20 years ago and having all and sundry use it to label groups. I just think it is completely pointless labelling because it depends on perception.

Language is a “living thing”, it changes constantly, a change driven by a need to describe things that were not there X number of years ago. If it didn’t change we would not have the words: astronaut, emoji/emoticon, internet, or synthesizer, or (going back further) paperclip. Additionally the various, and accepted, suffixes in widespread use, such as “-gate” to denote some form of scandal.

The generations coming up now are inventing new words at a rate of knots; you’d come unstuck trying to have a conversation with Gen Z or Gen Alpha if you don’t know your rizz from your dank, or your simp from your gyat, to say nothing of salty, or sigma. We have about 500,000 words in the OED, and that evolves constantly.

This industry has itself invented a range of words others could describe as pointless, eg “spreadover”, where you could just say “shift”, or “jake brake”, and of course the word “tachograph” has only a relatively short history.

Ok so how would you describe what others call ‘woke’.
You may say ‘politically correct’ for example, but even that term is relatively new.
So if describing the concept of ‘woke…ness’ (if that is a word) , in conversation, how would YOU describe it?

Ironically the use of Erika in the McKenzie Break was probably considered by the producers as the least offensive option to a then large WW2 generation audience.Not known in the same way as Horst Wessel for example.
I’d have preferred this for the McKenzie Break.More realistic for the setting like the Panzer Lied used in Battle of the Bulge. Also still another ‘legal’ WW1 era song but probably considered too much for the audience.

But in this case even their politically correct is actually politically wrong.Erika ain’t on the list of iffy German ‘culture’ and ‘history’ by Germany’s own laws.

It’s obvious that woke is just a type of description of a far left agenda that rewrites facts and history to suit its narrative.In this case deliberately conflating an old German folk song, which is still legally used by the modern day German military and public among others such as those I’ve listed.
As opposed to the outlawed Horst Wessel.
Although even that seems as stupid as banning all French references to its Napoleonic history.

@robroy I’m not an activist, but perhaps such people coining the word has backfired as it is now increasingly used in a derogatory way against them. I can see how it could occur that a person may have a particular strong belief about something and actively attend rallies. That person could now be labelled very lazily by others as woke. I just don’t think it is particularly helpful, that is all. That person may have very mainstream views other than that one subject.

There is also the other hypocritical point that the vehemently anti-woke brigade could be described as woke themselves.

It doesn’t mean much to me when someone calls someone woke, so I switch off (there isn’t much more to it than that). I don’t try to think of alternative words for this new word.

It doesn’t matter how anyone describes it.
Calling the use of the song Erika ‘■■■■’ is even more stupid than putting the whole 8th army on a court martial for listening to and singing Lili Marlene.
Ironically it’s actually a good thing because such stupidity actually weakens their zealotry every time they show their ignorance by uttering it.