EXCLUSIVE Pic Fords new artic

It looks to me like ford [new holland]7840

erm… NO

The 7840 is a fair few years old it had the first & second gen cab (white lid & mirrirs on glass doors, then blue lid & small mirrors on cab rops. It also had a relatively small gearbox so it wouldnt be sat that high even on those tyres.

Its a TM because the windscreen wiper is on the middle of the rear window (yes they did change it on the 40series) The mirrors on the cab are the big extendable ones, the exhaust is on the side of the cab.

40 series:


TM Series:

As for everything else, who wants to do the job he is doing? are lorries and drivers being laid off because he is shifting some stone?

Im against all the subsidies the eurpeans give, our farmers could survive loosing them (however food prices will go up) But most european farmers wont, french farmers income is over 60% from europe. They are totally inneficient, But they must loose their subsidies before our farmers go out of business.

The reason britin gets the rebate from europe is because of the subsidies which is worth about £3billion so you think, all the european farmers are getting all this money and ours arent and our farmers have to compete with them.

Apollogies for this not being about trucking :open_mouth: :wink:

As for everything else, who wants to do the job he is doing? are lorries and drivers being laid off because he is shifting some stone?

I’m sure that there’s quite a few of the quarry hauliers around here that would jump at the chance of another load. My trucks are licenced, taxed and scrupiously maintained, VOSA vigourosly impilment the rules as laid down by the EU and we obide by them. Why should somepeople be able to flout the laws and get away with it whilst others are forced to comply at no insignificant cost?