I was driving an 18 tonner down a country lane near Hampton in Arden - 7½ tonne wl and v narrow. This guy in a Range Rover - Flat hat tweed jacket etc steps out and stops me.
I wind down winow expecting abuse and he says “Did you know you can’t turn right at the end now?”
Apparently they had just changed the junction lol:)
if youre driving a dustcart you could say “well i take it you dont want your bin emptied then?”
Problem is with these weight restrictions is unless you know the area/and or the drop, you wont know whether your drop is within the restriction or not. ie you could see the weight limit, drive all the way round, and then find that you still have to go through the weight limit to get to your destination, which would have been a complete waste of time driving round in the first place.
The A66 was closed West of Scotch Corner, last week, and BBC Tees was giving the HGV diversion through Barnard Castle, over a camera monitered weak bridge
Could be interesting in court.
As previously said, a polite letter saying, if it was ‘except for loading or unloading’ that you believed your delivery point was within the limit should get you, at least, a reduction in fine.
I had an incident with a NIMBY earlier this year at a tiny village in the Cotswolds.
A417 Meysey Hampton was the village, its just off the A road. Anyway im delivering to a Farm thats in the middle of the village, theres a weight limit sign that had some local policing warning on it. Cant remember the weight 15t rings a bell but any way I was in a 15 tonner but had a drag on making it 28t GTW. As I turned into the village off the main road a woman starts ranting at me that I couldnt go down there. So I stopped and said ok brains how do I get from here to the farm thats 1/4 mile down there? Her answer was you cant, so I say ok then I will stop right here we can call the ploice as the farmer will have to come here with a tractor and trailer and a teleporter and unload right here in the street. Well the snotty cow then went right off on one. Just as shes about done and a 6 wheeler bin lorry goes by I point and say is that emptying your bins love? She replies yes. Well you dosy cow its a 26 tonner but thts ok is it? She had no idea, I just drove on to farm but I may as well of been a criminal as every face around stared at me in disgust.
Talking to the farmer he said the way I came is the easiest and really the only way to him, also that I wasnt the first truck delivering to him to encounter the NIMBY weight limit warriors.
As far as im aware the firm never heard anything about it.
Hope he orders again next spring!
with trading standards you admit your own guilt they will then prosecute especially for over weight vechicles if they decided to snoop at weigh bridge tickets but what they do is they look at all the tickets over 44 ton say but you could be 43900 on 5 axles and they wouldnt look no further So if you have a letter just ask them to prove a forklift or someone else wasn’t fouling the bridge at the time.
Heres one I prepared earlier!
I followed this one straight though the weight limit a couple of months ago. The way round is about 10 miles extra. This morning I had an Irish truck coming towards me on the same stretch.
Delivered to Travis Perkins on Morel Street. After i had tipped, tried to turn left into Holton Rd. No Way !! cars all over place…certainly within 10mtrs of junction…couldnt turn right either… same problem.
Went straight on into Lower Morel St. which has 7.5ton limit…!!
Turned left at Dock View Rd, then followed road up into Wilfred St. aiming to turn right into Holton Rd as planned. this junction being somewhat wider.
At the top of Wilfred St, local tells me i shouldn’t be there due to weight limit… my reply was , if some Muppets learn to park correctly and not block access on junctions i’d be able to turn a 60ft trailer correctly…!!
Imagine how many cars we could trash if we were to obey every rule…!!
Maybe thats the way forward…
Someone pointed out a Volvo bus is 11 Tonne…minus freight… well add 50 passengers… that makes it 14tonne…
answer this one…
if a bridge or weight restriction is 17T… 1 bus going over it is ok…
but two buses travelling opposite each other is total weight of 28tonne…