Ex- Pats Check in part two

Cliff Warby:
And a “welcome back” to you too Jim, we tried to hide from you…but you found us again! :laughing:

You never know where and when I’m going to show up!

"Token"Aussie re-registering Cliff!LOL
Hows Georgia?Its a complete different country in the South compared to the rest of the "World"USA isn’t it?
Hope to be back there soon on holidays instead of working,loved it in Mississippi where the 'skeetas are bigger than birds!

It’s good to see you back, Boots, yeah you got that right those ‘skeetas’ are bigger than birds!

Glad you are putting in ’ a show’ on our ‘wind-up’ on trucknetusa too! Lol!

Hi Pete leTroquaire…You have a nice arrangement there. where do you hang out mostly in Brasil?
I went down to Rio and Sao Paulo in 2001 and fell in love with the Cariocas
Rio has so much charisma and charm, and the women, wow!!!
Would love to go down for a month or so, but I know what you mean about the roads. Driving a truck down there is no good and finding any kind of work is impossible. I can speak enough Portuguese to be dangerous and love the sea sand and caipirinhas.
I’m going back soon and maybe I’ll buy one of those air passes so you can go to 5 different places. At the moment I live in Florida, originally from Bradford, West Yorks. :sunglasses: :laughing: :astonished:

Suppose I can make my mark on here, even tho I’ll be back in Blighty for the New Year…

I’m up in the wilds of North Dakota… Howdy y’all :wink:

hi ally how is it going in the old land of the septic??

still here in northern italy but spending more time in the uk


Just checking in after a long break due to computer/website problems

In case no-one recognises the new name this is the artist formerly known as the Bondi Tram.

If anyone has sent me pms in the last month or so, I cant access them so if it’s important, please repeat.

Good to be back,

Salut, David.

Greetings from Geraldine, South Island, New Zealand.

You can change your location in your profile Placid mate :smiley:

Greetings from Geraldine, South Island, New Zealand.

I know it’s a bit late, musta missed this post first time around, but what are you doing way down there?..it’s a bloody long way from Cardiff is’nt it?

He musta taken the wrong boat at Haverford-west :laughing:
Or was it the speed you hit the Severn Bridge mate? :laughing: :smiling_imp:


And here’s my check in as a full time Ex-pat. :smiley:
:grimacing: CIC have given their OK, just got to fill in some paperwork, pop down to the border, and then I’m legal. Should be working before Xmas :smiley:

Costing me 4 grand in lawyers fees tho… at $500 a month off my paycheque…