I’m here to…
I’m here, once again. Greetings one and all.
Cookee here from South Devon just got a '96 Volvo FL10 for hauling the race boat around Europe.
Tom Paris signing in…
(just back from classified mission)
Hi, Zippy here, signing in.
Still dodging about.
mr cherry signing ok ya
I cant remember whether or not I’ve signed in before or not , but reporting in again.
im here.....sorry i
m late but the delivery address was wrong
ahem…i`m signed in
I think i am here. ha ha
mr cherry signs in.
tdriver here slowly on the mend
mr cherry signs in ok ya.
mr cherry signs in
I have been unable to access site for ages due to “another.com” website has hi-jacked the site when i open page??
if anyone can tell me hoe to stop it i would be grateful-to say the least
type in www.TruckNetUK.com instead of ww.TruckNetUK.co.uk
The .co.uk URL was bought for us a couple of years ago, and unfortunatly they will not allow US to renew it, only the original registrant
Thanks for info