Still here but only for 7 mins more today but the phones 24/7…
Ah so thats how you post…
Im here …
Merry Christmas
Yes miss !
I’m here !
Here miss…
im here
I am here I think, or am I there, or is there here confused, Sir
Bit late, but made it anyway.
Present and mostly correct
Harry Kyng
Sorry i"m late Sir…had an accident on the way in
Fatbloke signing in Sir !!
disgo here,page 22 at the bottom as usual but I have been away a week.Sorry Boss!¬
yup I am here 2
Hughesy66 here,
yep im on board!
hi guys
been on a while nice to meet you all. I will post when i,ve got something constructive to say. Or can get a word in.
I’m lost! Is this Bristol…
sorry im late miss
i missed the bus
count me in
just saying hello
I’m here and i’m queer get used to it myfannwy