Everyone... sign in...please

Still here but only for 7 mins more today :smiley: but the phones 24/7… :wink:

Ah so thats how you post…

Im here … :unamused:

Merry Christmas

Yes miss !

I’m here ! :laughing:

Here miss…

im here :smiley:

I am here I think, or am I there, or is there here confused, Sir

Bit late, but made it anyway.

Present and mostly correct :unamused:

Harry Kyng

Sorry i"m late Sir…had an accident on the way in :smiley: :smiley:

Fatbloke signing in Sir !!

disgo here,page 22 at the bottom as usual but I have been away a week.Sorry Boss!¬

yup I am here 2

Hughesy66 here, :stuck_out_tongue:

yep im on board!

hi guys

been on a while nice to meet you all. I will post when i,ve got something constructive to say. Or can get a word in.

I’m lost! Is this Bristol…

sorry im late miss

i missed the bus

count me in :sunglasses:

just saying hello :smiley:

I’m here and i’m queer get used to it myfannwy