Everyone... sign in...please

fozzie signin in for the first in a fewmonths

howdy all

I’m here :slight_smile:

I suppose it’s about time! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

certainly is :laughing: Welcome to Trucknet Dasman

I am here

Hello from me

That’s me posted then :wink:


If you click the link in my signature or this (Forum sponser logo)

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

If you look on the forum index page you’ll find that Tachodisc are the sponsors of this forum, doubt they’d be too pleased at you giving another company the credit :frowning:

ROG, don’t bother ever applying for a job with Tachodisc :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: wrong Forum ROG, you need a different welcome post for each forum now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

G/day all
But not today me back hurts!

im here but only just tho been up since half 12 this mornin lol
but no work monday so just washin down unit ready for another messy week

Thank you for the welcome
Much apreciated

Hadn’t got round to it yet…

I’m here.

Viewing Friday and Saturday as usual

i’m here…for the comedy value & the odd serious bit!!

Hi everyone, i don’t post much but enjoy reading the forum :smiley: :smiley:

Regards from the quarry

Hello from the Klunk :sunglasses:

Hello Everybody…


Jase,checking in.

Good evening all.