Everyone... sign in...please

here :smiley:

:question: Why has a 4 year old post been resurrected then :question:

Anyway…I exist as Shrek on this forum, but I am many different things to many different people and I exist in other places and timeframes as other facets of my complex yet simple personality in other guises.

However, I am essentially me, and nowt’s gonna change that. Alright? :confused: :open_mouth:

I’ll jump on the band wagon, baaaa, :laughing:

I’m here too :sunglasses:

Present and correct ?

Here sir

steviebyday wide a wake and signing in …

Yup, I’m here too…

im here :smiley:

steve here

here in body!! :sunglasses:


I’m feeling left out so to make me feel better…

I’m here too! :smiley:


i think i’m here, what day is it ?,thanks harry long retired.

What else would I be doing on a Sunday afternoon :question:


lug84 :laughing: :laughing:
lawrence baldock here sir :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Count me too.

I will do not sign anything…

Ups. I just did :blush:

signed in and reporting for duty…SIIIIIR :smiley:

i aint signing till i have read the small print…

:?: Why has a 4 year old post been resurrected then :question:

Blame Ellies Dad. :question: :confused:
