
Yeah, it’s been a while mate, I just got fed up with the slow software, took ages to upload a pic. I’ll try to come on more regularly, but as Oily says, a lot of “characters” have jumped ship unfortunately.

Dunno where they’ve gone, apart from overseas like I did. But I couldn’t find one.
But if you or he knows where, email or DM, not in here. :wink:

Does anyone know Mal from Birmingham? He left years ago and set up on his own, and another one which was more dedicated to the welfare or working improvements for drivers rather than general chat.

I’ve already been in touch with the I.T. guys about this.

In language I can understand, their reposnse was that the pics are ‘to follow.’

Apparently, the pics will be migrated in a while, which also goes for the other forums that are pic heavy.

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