Employment tribunals

we joined at the same time in February, they have been full of weak promises. taken our money and give nothing. went to a branch meeting. 7 people in the room and 5 of those were on the committee and paid to be there! Unite are full of ■■■■■■

There is a bloke where i work who is itching to get the sack so he can have a claim up. The firm wont sack him but he gets all the crap work and no favours as he is the same way.
People like him that ruin it for everyone.

we joined at the same time in February, they have been full of weak promises. taken our money and give nothing. went to a branch meeting. 7 people in the room and 5 of those were on the committee and paid to be there! Unite are full of [zb].

Trade unions only as strong as the members make them if only two of you are bothered to turn up says a lot for the rest of the members.

As member of a trade union if your not happy with representation you are getting put yourself forward in elections for union position.

As DEL949 as rightly pointed out many workers who have the opportunity to be in a union decline to be in a trade union for a variety of reasons thinking everything will be okay then suddenly boom they have a issue with a employer decide that they need some advice support representation far to late they decide to join and when union unfortunately cannot do anything due to incident/issue when they where a non memeber it all the unions fault.

7 people in the room and 5 of those were on the committee and paid to be there!

very much doubt that committee members are paid. Certainly in every branch that I have contact with no committee men are paid.

well I have seen the branch secretary hand Monday to three individuals each time I’ve attended branch meetings…

which could easily be repayment of expenses they have incurred.
as a branch secretary myself, none of my committeee receive any payment but they do get reimbursed any out of pocket expenses that they incur.
These could be simply down to phone calls, stationery and possibly even petrol, depending on what extra meetings they have been delegated to attend at regional or even national level.
In addition , I have to , 4 times a year send an audited account of all my financial transaction to the regional office, which are then scrutinised and if not correct in EVERY detail , I am asked (rightly) to explain.
In fact I had to explain a discrepancy of 2p in the last quarters accounts.
These rules would also apply to the secretary of the branch meeting that you attended.
Believe me , few if any, members join the committee for financial rewards, in fact it takes a lot of time and energy from myself and the chairman to maintain a full committee.

This is just another example of our government finding ways for the rich to stay rich and for the rest of us to suffer.

Unions are a complete waste of time and effort and anyone who says differently is either Northern, a fool or both.