I already have my class 1 licence and a few months of experience, so looking for a job not a class 1 training
I already have my class 1 licence and a few months of experience, so looking for a job not a class 1 training
Then why did you ask this … ?
What’s that Stobart training scheme all about, and do they pay for it?
I assumed the training Stobart offers is some type of training they want you to go through before you join them no matter how much experience you have, and that it lasts probably a couple of days so you can learn their way of doing things.
Isn’t this the case?
I assumed the training Stobart offers is some type of training they want you to go through before you join them no matter how much experience you have, and that it lasts probably a couple of days so you can learn their way of doing things.
Isn’t this the case?
It would make sense that some sort of initial job training is done as they are such a big concern but whether they actually do it for everyone I do not know
So how did it all go
eddie stobart wages is not that great 7.50 for a permanent 13 pound meal allowance 22 pound night out and if u drive well fuel economy its 3 pound. if you are with an agency and self employed then its 10 pound and the rest is the same. i have heard you can do 38 hours in just 3 days with eddie stobard. Transport is known for treating you not well So i have heard. Good luck to who ever wanna join stobby. at the moment they will take on any 1.
eddie stobart wages is not that great 7.50 for a permanent 13 pound meal allowance 22 pound night out and if u drive well fuel economy its 3 pound. if you are with an agency and self employed then its 10 pound and the rest is the same. i have heard you can do 38 hours in just 3 days with eddie stobard. Transport is known for treating you not well So i have heard. Good luck to who ever wanna join stobby. at the moment they will take on any 1.
Is this what your mate told you?
yea happy he came to visit shunters this morning so i asked him about and there are some ex stobbies working where i work i asked them as well, he told me about 38 hours in 3 days and he is self employed and he doesnt pay much tax. 380 pounds after tax 320 to 340 take home Not bad is it lol.
hi to all failed the class 2 on friday silly mistake my fault have to re book another test and to pay for it so hopefully pass this time?
then do the class 1 training
rabb mind me ask but what did u do wrong in the test, how many minor or serious faults u got.
Thought it was worth pointing out that Stobarts have their own acredited test centre at Widnes so they may be making use of it as a little money spinner?
Nice to see people posting rubbish about the Tesco work without actually knowing the full facts
First post but have been lurking for a little while…
Thanks for everyone who takes the time to help new people and up and coming drivers. It’s a huge help.
I applied for this quite a while ago and they’ve contacted me yesterday to invite me for an interview. On further investigation I can see that there’s no guarantees for work and its also a 17 day course which seems rather long? Would mean missing out on some wages at my current place of work.
I’m now thinking its probably just another driving school, albeit over priced? I’d be better going to one a bit more local to me in Preston right? I’ve heard good things about Rose Training and they’re not far in Bolton I think.
Any advice? I don’t want to take the day off work to go for the interview if its going to waste my time and not to mention theirs.
First post but have been lurking for a little while…Thanks for everyone who takes the time to help new people and up and coming drivers. It’s a huge help.
I applied for this quite a while ago and they’ve contacted me yesterday to invite me for an interview. On further investigation I can see that there’s no guarantees for work and its also a 17 day course which seems rather long? Would mean missing out on some wages at my current place of work.
I’m now thinking its probably just another driving school, albeit over priced? I’d be better going to one a bit more local to me in Preston right? I’ve heard good things about Rose Training and they’re not far in Bolton I think.
Any advice? I don’t want to take the day off work to go for the interview if its going to waste my time and not to mention theirs.
I did not see the ones on TV doing their course having to pay for it - perhaps I missed that bit?
First post but have been lurking for a little while…Thanks for everyone who takes the time to help new people and up and coming drivers. It’s a huge help.
I applied for this quite a while ago and they’ve contacted me yesterday to invite me for an interview. On further investigation I can see that there’s no guarantees for work and its also a 17 day course which seems rather long? Would mean missing out on some wages at my current place of work.
I’m now thinking its probably just another driving school, albeit over priced? I’d be better going to one a bit more local to me in Preston right? I’ve heard good things about Rose Training and they’re not far in Bolton I think.
Any advice? I don’t want to take the day off work to go for the interview if its going to waste my time and not to mention theirs.
I did not see the ones on TV doing their course having to pay for it - perhaps I missed that bit?
I’m not sure then, this one is the training school at the academy and possibly not ‘the academy’, maybe thats the difference? This is a 17 day course for £2000 +VAT with no promises of work or anything like that. So essentially the same as using any other driving school I guess, hence me wondering if its worth it or not.
The information can be found below;
stobartgroup.co.uk/careers/t … ticeships/ - that is what was on TV me thinks
hi to all rabb269 here to let you all know i passed my class 2 at stobarts today 2nd attempt just to book up for class 1 now thank you for all the comments…
hi all thank you for the comments anyway just to let you know i passed class 2 today second attempt have to book up for the class 1 now…
well done to you and how was it?
Being a nosey bugger…how much did/is it costing and is it a 17 day,£2000 course like our friend from Fools and Horses mentioned above?
Well done Rab.
Sorry to hijack this thread but I’ve just been asked to attend an interview for the same thing, the ES training academy. So wonder if you or anyone else had any advice. My main concern is that no job is guaranteed at the end but it would be good to know what ratio of trainees they take on end up getting work once they complete the course. If no job is offered, does anyone think that completing this course would help get work elsewhere instead of just going to any LGV training school, ie with it being through ES, would that make it any more attractive to a prospective employer?
PS, I already have the class c licence which I passed around July so the cost would be roughy halved.